Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Analysis Of The Poem Harlem By Langston Hughes
In the poem â€Å"Harlem†by Langston Hughes, Hughes discusses the fate of the American dream and more specifically, he questions us about the destiny of the dream that never gets realized. He wonders whether it explodes violently or if it just dries up. Forty years later, Tony Kushner explored the fate of the suppressed, exploding dream in â€Å"Angels in America†through the character of Joseph Porter Pitt as he struggles to cope with his own repressed, but surfacing homosexuality, while also balancing societal and religious perspectives that restrain his true dreams. Furthermore, Joseph’s true self has been repressed deep into his mind and covered with conservative opinions, a fraudulent marriage, and religious manipulation. All of which, are†¦show more content†¦Joseph’s conservative shield serves as a layer of ignorance that blocks out the community in which he truly belongs to, which is the homosexual community. His non-existent acknowledgem ent of the struggle, fear and pain that the homosexual community was going through at the time is a reinforcement of a falsified dream that Joseph has. Virtually, his cluelessness of the AIDS epidemic means that he doesn’t see himself at risk, he see’s himself as pardoned from the tragedy as most straight men did during that time. Additionally, the epidemic brought the homosexual community together, and empowered them. Joseph, who I’m sure has heard of the epidemic before the play even begins, doesn’t feel a sense of connection to that community at all nor does he show any signs of empathy. He is left out of the coming together of the homosexual community and doesn’t care because of his denial.Moreover, Joseph ignores that homosexuals exist and although he does not completely deny the fact that he is gay in the play, he essentially ignores the reality of himself as a gay man. Also, Joseph’s language with Harper is mostly centered around change, even though he has a misperception about the world’s current status, he is focused on making a change to his life. He wants to move at the beginning, but only if Harper agrees to go with him. JosephShow MoreRelated Harlem, An Analysis of a Langston Hughes Poem Essay1405 Words  | 6 PagesHarlem, An Analysis of a Langston Hughes Poem The short but inspirational poem Harlem by Langston Hughes addresses what happens to aspirations that are postponed or lost. The brief, mind provoking questions posed throughout the poem allow the readers to reflect--on the effects of delaying our dreams. In addition, the questions give indications about Hughes views on deferred dreams. Harlem is an open form poem. The poem consists of three stanzas that do not have a regularRead MoreAn Analysis of Langston Hughes Poem Harlem1520 Words  | 6 PagesPoems Harlem by Langston Hughes Thesis statement: Hughes wrote this when Jim Crow laws were still imposing an bitter segregated society in the South. There were still lynchings of innocent African Americans, there was no Civil Rights Movement, there was no Civil Rights legislation yet, and Blacks couldnt eat at lunch counters in the South. Harlem, however, was not at all like the South in terms of blatant, legal segregation. However, racism was very much in place in many places in America. BlacksRead MoreAnalysis Of Langston Hughes s Poem Harlem Sweeties 2195 Words  | 9 Pages From â€Å"Mother to Son†to â€Å"Harlem Sweeties†, Langston Hughes uses various themes and poetic structures within his writing. Hughes writing style consisted of the black pride and strength of the black community that would later be considered as the â€Å"driving force†behind The Harlem Renaissance. His poems and short stories seemed to evoke a feeling of hopefulness, pride and self- realization. He wrote song lyrics, essays, autobiographies and plays however, his multi-dimensional style of writing consistedRead MoreReoccurring Themes in the Work of Langston Hughes Essay1649 Words  | 7 PagesLangston Hughes is an extremely successful and well known black writer who emerged from the Harlem Renaissance (â€Å"Langston Hughes†792). He is recognized for his poetry and like many other writers from the Harlem Renaissance, lived most of his life outside of Harlem (â€Å"Langston Hughes†792). His personal experiences and opinions inspire his writing intricately. Unlike other writers of his time, Hughes expresses his discontent with black oppression and focuses on the hardships of his people. Hughes’Read MoreLiterary Analysis of Langston Hughess A Dream Deferred1028 Words  | 4 Pagespublished, and circulated, analysis of the poem must take place. It unveils and discusses the themes, figures of speech, word placement, and flow of the piece, and A Dream Deferred, is no exception. In Langston Hughess poem, A Dream Deferred, the theme is that no really knows to dreams if they are not reached, and very realistic figures of speech help convey this idea; the poem can be surprisingly related to Mr. Hughess life through the subtitle and quotes from Langston himself. The meaning ofRead MoreLangston Hughes : A Modernist1222 Words  | 5 PagesSappington 13 Apr. 2017 Langston Hughes: A Modernist Credited as being the most recognizable figure of the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes played a vital role in the Modernist literary movement and the movement to revitalize African American culture in the early 20th century. Hughes’s poems reflect his personal struggle and the collective struggle of African Americans during this cultural revival. Langston Hughes’s life contained key influences on his work. As a child, Hughes witnessed a divorceRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Weary Blues Essay1299 Words  | 6 Pagesone of many Langston Hughes’s poetry during the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance is a time in American history, in the cities where African Americans were concentrated like Harlem, many master pieces of art, music and literature were created. Blues was much enjoyed during the period; people listened to it and loved it. In the poem of The Weary Blues, people alive through music, and the strong power of music supported the suffering of the black people in that time period. The poem describesRead MoreAnalysis Of Langston Hughes s Poem I, Too978 Words  | 4 Pages Langston Hughes America, the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American. This is what everyone was told, what the Declaration of Independence states. But, Langston Hughes a black American poet in the Harlem Renaissance period saw the truth. Being an African American in the United States during the early 1900’s was difficult. Many lived a life full of hardships; segregation, prejudice and economic hardships, viewed as second-class citizensRead MoreLangston Hughes Theme For English B845 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"Theme for English B†Langston Hughes dramatizes race and self-identity. Hughes is struggling to relate himself to his teacher and everyone around him, so he starts off by telling readers about his background such as his age and where he has lived. â€Å"I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston- Salem†(2). Through the first stanza of the poem we know that Hughes is living through a time where race is a big issu e and not too many African American adolescents are in school like he is. He is learningRead MoreHarlem: a Dream Deferred1043 Words  | 5 PagesHarlem: A Dream Deferred Langston Hughes Literally Analysis Dreams are aspirations that we hope to reach on our lifetime. They are the day that gives us the drive to live our lives and accomplish our goals. When reaching our goals, we will do anything to get to our destination. But what happens when your dreams deferred and put on hold due to unseen circumstances? Or what do you so when someone tells you that you can not so the things you want to so because of the pigmentation of your skin
Abortion - yes or no Free Essay Example, 1500 words
in pregnancies prior to the point of viability, the government does not have the right to impede a womans right to decide whether or not to continue a pregnancy (Head). In most of the cases, abortion is being performed when unwanted pregnancies occur. Teenagers are most vulnerable to unwanted pregnancies because of their uncontrolled sexual activities during the adolescent period because of the development of sex hormones. It is illogical to punish a teenager for her entire life span for a momentary lapse of control occurred to her during her teenage period. Supporters of abortion believe that unwanted pregnancies may damage the physical and psychological health of teenagers and therefore they should be legally allowed to abort the fetus. It is an accepted fact that pregnancies will make lot of physical changes in a female body. In other words, pregnancies will destroy the beauty of the female body. Males often attracted towards females after watching the beautiful figure of a girl. In the absence of a good figure, it is difficult for the females to get the company of males they like. We will write a custom essay sample on Abortion - yes or no or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Moreover, it is difficult for a teenage girl with a child to get the company of a male. The failure to attract opposite sex will create lot of psychological problems to the teenage girl with a child. Under such circumstances, abortions should be legally permitted to save the teenagers from experiencing psychological trauma. â€Å"Thousands of American women died and thousands more were maimed before abortion was legal. For this reason and others, women and men fought for and achieved womens legal right to make their own decisions about abortion†(Nine Reasons Why Abortions are Legal). Proponents of abortion believe that a woman’s right to make decisions concerning her body and her future outweigh the rights of the fetus. In their opinion, since the women who became pregnant should have better knowledge about the consequences of a sexual intercourse prior to the sexual activities and she should have taken preventive measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The above argument is also meaningless. Adolescence is a period in rational thinking is almost impossible. The influence of sex hormones will motivate the teenagers to engage in sexual activities quiet regularly. Even if the teenagers succeeded in taking preventive measures, sometimes the preventive measures need not be successful and unwanted pregnancies can take place. It is impossible for a teenager to enjoy her life as she like after giving birth to a child.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cut by sylvia Plath Essay - 1601 Words
â€Å"Cut†Sylvia Plath Persona In terms of content the persona in â€Å"Cut†is Sylvia Plath herself. Plath was one of the first American women writers to refuse to conceal her true emotions. In articulating her aggression, hostility and despair in her art, she effectively challenged the traditional literary prioritization of female experience. Plath has experienced much melancholy and depression in her life. Scenario The scenario of the poem starts off in a seemingly domestic scene, perhaps preparing for dinner and develops into this amazing association and blurring of the physical and emotional senses, where a great joy has been found in an ‘accident’. Plath dedicates â€Å"Cut†to her new au pair (nanny), Susan O’Neill Roe as a â€Å"welcome to†¦show more content†¦The story is told through images of war. The reference to the Indian/frontier wars through â€Å"little pilgrim, the Indian’s axed your scalp†is referring to the historical notion of pilgrims in escaping in fear of religious persecution. Plath’s thumb is being associated to being a â€Å"little pilgrim†. The link to the American War of Independence is through â€Å"Redcoats, everyone†meaning that the blood is not a simple liquid but is composed of a million tiny parts, each with an individual and collective purpose, hence the military analogy. This is also done through the reference to â€Å"Saboteur†of the French Revolution representing the sabotage of one’s own well being and one’s physical body, her own undoer as saboteurs often come from within. The link to Kamikaze â€Å"Kamikaze man†from World War 2 signifies the recklessness towards herself when â€Å"cutting†, pointing to the idea that for a moment she is her own killer. The Ku Klux Klan reference from the Civil War â€Å"Gauze Ku Klux Klan/Babushka†from the cold war represents the outward act of anger, hatred and bathing against self. This image is significant as historically the white linen was a hood worn by men in the Ku Klux Klan and the Babushka contradictory was a scarf worn by women in Russia. All metaphorical for the stained bandage, showing sins committed. The military references represents both the control one feels when exercising a deliberate act, as well as the feeling of submission to the need to do it as if it were a com mandShow MoreRelatedTulips and Cut by Sylvia Plath903 Words  | 4 Pagesand â€Å"Cut†Sylvia Plath is a â€Å"confessional†who puts her own experiences in her works that were written during the eighteen century. Sylvia Plath was diagnosed with depression, but recovered when she first attempted suicide in college. In her marriage to Ted Hughes she fell back into depression, which led her to attempt suicide and again this time she died .During the twentieth century, women in American culture were treated as objects without a voice, and male dominance suppressed them. Plath usesRead MoreSylvia Plath: The Exemplary Confessional Poet1015 Words  | 5 Pagessuicide, it is no surprise that Sylvia Plath wrote poetry in this style. Plath suffered from depression most of her life and used writing as an outlet (Spinello). In her works â€Å"Cut,†â€Å"I Am Vertical,†and â€Å"Lady Lazarus,†Plath exemplifies confessional poetry through the themes of resentment, death, and mental illness. To understand why Plath is placed in the literary category that she is, there needs to be knowledge of her personal life. Born in 1932 in Massachusetts, Plath led a short and tragic lifeRead MoreOutline Structure For Literary Analysis : Daffodils By Ted Hughes960 Words  | 4 Pagesbelieve is a resemblance of his wife Sylvia Plath. B. The author of the poem is Ted Hughes .The poem is based around how years Hughes and his children would sell the daffodils to make a living but never realized how much they were taking the daffodil for grant. C. The title of the poem is â€Å"Daffodils.†F. The main characters of the poem is Sylvia Plath. G. Thesis:Through the use of symbolism in Ted Hughess Daffodils, readers are introduced to the impact Plath had on his life through the imageryRead More Rebirth in Sylvia Plaths Lady Lazarus, Fever 103, Getting There, and Cut1307 Words  | 6 PagesRebirth in Lady Lazarus, Fever 103, Getting There, and Cut     The Ariel-period poems of Sylvia Plath demonstrate her desire for rebirth, to escape the body that was drummed into use by men and society. I will illustrate the different types of rebirth with examples from the Ariel poems, including Lady Lazarus, Fever 103, Getting There, and Cut. Lady Lazarus, the last of the October poems, presents Plath as the victim with her aggression turned towards her male victimizerRead MoreThe Highs And Lows Of Manic Depressive Writing1507 Words  | 7 PagesSylvia Plath: The Highs and Lows of Manic Depressive Writing Sylvia Plath, a successful confessional style poet, struggled throughout her life with issues revolving around her father’s death, unsuccessful and unfulfilling relationships with men, and her mental illnesses. Throughout her struggles, Plath wrote, sometimes writing as much as 10 drafts a day. Despite welcoming into the world two children, whom she loved dearly, Plath still felt unfulfilled by her duties as a housewife. As she wroteRead MoreSymbolism In The Bell Jar1548 Words  | 7 PagesSylvia Plath uses many literary devices to convey her purpose in The Bell Jar such as symbolism. The Bell Jar itself is used as symbolic representation of the emotional state Esther is in. The glass jar distorts her image of the world as she feels trapped under the glass. It represents mental illness , a confining jar that descends over her mind and doesn’t allow her to live and think freely. Symbols and images of life and death pervade The Bell Jar. Esther experiences psychologi cal distress whichRead MoreSylvia Plath was American short-story writer, poet and novelist that was born on October 27, 1932900 Words  | 4 PagesSylvia Plath was American short-story writer, poet and novelist that was born on October 27, 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts and died on February 11, 1963. Sylvia Plath is best known for, her books of poems, â€Å"The Colossus and Other Poems Collection†and the â€Å"Ariel Collection†of Poems.Plath’s poetry was known for its rhyme, alliteration and disturbing and violent imagery. Plath’s poetry is considered part of the Confessional movement, which became very popular in the United States during the 1950sRead MoreSylvia Plath: Research Paper2682 Words  | 11 PagesWit, I Have No Words, No Tears Sylvia Plath’s life story could be considered tragic as she was monopolized by a severe depression yet expressed her sorrows through enlightening words in her many poems. The death of her father when she was only eight years old commenced her lifelong despondency and insecurities. In the poem â€Å"Daddy†, she speaks of how she never fully understood him and blames him for the emptiness she feels without a father. As time moved on, Plath discovered her writing talent whileRead MoreAnalysis Of The Bell Jar By Sylvia Plath1385 Words  | 6 Pagesfor the simple fact that they too, would like to have some sort of control over their what their readers know about them. In â€Å"The Bell Jar†by Sylvia Plath, the main character, Esther, a girl who is based on Plath herself, finds herself struggling with depression and anxiety and plans to take her own life several times but can never follow through. Plath modified biographical details because she wanted to simplify the material to make it easier to understand, to emphasize any points she wanted toRead More Use of Figurative Language in Daddy by Sylvia Plath Essay1203 Words  | 5 Pageslanguage in the poem â€Å"Daddy†by Sylvia Plath can be used to discover a deeper significant of the poem. By using figurative language throughout the poem such as symbolism, imagery, and wordplay, Plath reveals hidden messages about her relationship with her father. Plath uses symbols of Nazis, vampires, size, and communication to help reveal a message about her dad. In Plath’s poem she frequently uses figurative language about Nazis and the Holocaust. Plath depicts herself as a victim by saying
As Technology Has Evolved So Has The Way We, As A Society,
As technology has evolved so has the way we, as a society, consume media. If we look back through history, we can see violent imagery portrayed in books and art. However, after some violent school shootings, people have attempted, and failed, to pin the blame on violent media and even predict if, and when, it will happen again. However if we look at the violent tragedies, and more specifically the people who have committed them, we can see other causes for this violence. Although it can cause issues, violence in media does not cause violent behavior because violence is an accepted part of society, not a single study has predicted shootings, and other factors, such as mental health, are to blame for violent behavior. We must first take a†¦show more content†¦(Jenkins) We could say that violence in media mirrors our violence in society that we face. If we look at america as an example, our society was formed as a result of violent revolution and then after that experienced a rebellion early in it’s existence. As people moved west, they waged campaigns of genocide against native indians. (Newton, 6) Another fact about it is, murder, rape, and other violent crimes are prevalent in the world, all media violence does is inform people that it does exist instead of covering it up and pretending it does not happen. If we did censor violent media, we make the victims of real life violent crimes be compelled to hide it from everyone, only empowering the violent criminals. (Kaufman) We live in a violent society, art imitates the modes of life, not the other way around; It would be better for congress to clean that society than to clean up the reflection of that society. (Anderson and Bushman) Not only that but researching the effect media violence has on a person is hard to do. Research in the field is mostly ill-conceived, poorly executed, and result driven (Castronova). It is mainly difficult to study because lab experimentation takes place in a entirely different environment than everyday life, where the effects might be divided by many factors such as distraction, converse, and other outside influence. So, in the end any simple statement on the subject obscures the complexity of the facts (Cutler). EdwardShow MoreRelatedModern Technology Is Simply An Advancement Of Old Technology,1231 Words  | 5 PagesModern technology is simply an advancement of old technology, the impact of technology in modern life is unmeasurable, we use technology in different ways and sometimes the way we implement various technologies ends up harming our lives or the society we leave in. What we call modern technology is technically not so new in most cases. For example, mobile phone techn ology has evolved with years, nowadays we use smartphones which have been an advancement of an ordinary mobile phone. Technology is appliedRead MoreSociety ´s Interaction with Technology in Burning Chrome by William Gibson1158 Words  | 5 Pageshave been based on the growing relationship of technology and human beings. Today, technology is continuously changing and evolving along with the way people adapt to these technological advances. Technology has completely changed our way of living, it has entwined with our humanity, by being able to replace limbs and organs that we once thought could not be replaced. One of the most crucial things that technology has changed is the way people in society interact with one another. A story written byRead MoreMorality And Technology And The Presence Of Technology1623 Words  | 7 Pagesfable in class, they are unaware that the story has a moral. It has a lesson that the adults attempt to instill in them at the very beginning stages of their lives. These lessons teach morality and begin to introduce certain values to children. In this way, every pers on develops values throughout his/her life that are impacted by his or her environment, biology and social constructs. Through these values, morality is developed and because each person has his or her own unique values, morality is basedRead MoreGene Therapy And Human Genetic Engineering1646 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Although we are all members of a single species, we differ from one another in such visible traits as the color of our skin and the shape of our noses, and in biochemical factors such as our blood types and our susceptibility to certain diseases†(Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, 2013, p. 34). To understand human physical development and evolution one has to understand biological anthropology as the focus on humans as biological organisms. Biological anthropologistRead MoreThe Importance Of Technology In Education1232 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology has been evolving over thousands of years and it has provided humans with educat ion, better health care, and communication that is the key to making our world a better place for future generations to come. Technology is a field of knowledge having to do with the practical applications of science and industry or the inventions and methods of solving problems that are produced through research in these areas. It has helped the school system, the medical field, and provided us with communicationRead MoreEssay on Mass Media Development and Lieracy Assignment Options908 Words  | 4 PagesDevelopment and Literacy Assignment Options In today’s society mass media has such an influence whether it is positive or negative. It plays an important role in our everyday lives. Mass media affects everyone in the world. The purpose of mass media is everything tied into the advancement of technology and most often education, news, internet, television, magazines, and so much more. â€Å"Culture is made up of both the products that a society fashions and, perhaps more important, the processes thatRead MoreSociety Can Not Survive Without Technology1266 Words  | 6 PagesSociety Cannot Survive without Technology Technology has evolved over the years, but what exactly is technology? It is quite simple. It is everything that has made human lives over the course of time easier. This can be from chairs to cars to computers. Even, the career of business was created with technology. We use technology in so made ways today including, easier communication and the constant want of making our lives easier, leads us to the rapid advancement of technology. What will happenRead MoreEffects of Technology Essay1265 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish 091-040 4 December 2012 Effects of Technology in our world I. Introduction: State your plan for the Introduction paragraph * Changes in technology over the years * Why we depend on technology so much * How much we rely on technology Thesis statement: In today’s world, as technology is advancing around us, some of the major effects that can be seen are medical technology advances, ease of communication with the growing technology, and the negative effects on our body. IIRead MoreHunger For Power By George Orwell1728 Words  | 7 Pagesby utilizing comparatively advanced technology such as the telescreen and boulders. Their intelligence is suppressed because they do not bother caring for those who are suffering from their unjust actions. In fact, their sole purpose is to claim power by harming innocent people. Hence, although these novels consist of contrasting settings, Nineteen Eighty-Four and The Inheritors are similar because their societies control people through despair and technology for solely claiming power and not caringRead MoreHow Computers Changed The Way We Work1059 Words  | 5 Pagesoverall purpose device that has industrialized a lot over the years. From the ENIAC to the flat screen laptop, it is remarkable to see how computers have advanced. We went from having a computer that occupied a huge room with what we have in the office and at home today – a miniature, efficient version of the first computer. Computer tec hnology continues to progress and will continue to do so for ages to come. But how has the evolution of computers changed the way we work, find information and communicate
Deabte analysis free essay sample
The industrial Revolution occurred in Europe from 1750 to 1850. During this time there was also a huge increase in illegitimacy rate, which is the number of babies being born to unmarried women. The big question becomes, did the industrial revolution cause a sexual revolution or not? There are many historians and people with different views about topic. At the start of the industrial revolution there were close to zero babies being born the unmarried women and by the end in 1850 there was 1 in every 3 women having babies that weren’t married. There are two main points of view on this debate; one from Edward Shorter and the other from Louise Tilly, Joan Scott, and Miriam Cohen. Historian Edward Shorter states that the industrial revolution created many opportunities for women to work which he says led to a rise in the illegitimacy rate. He connects this to the sexual emancipation, or sexual freedom, of unmarried, working-class women. Historians Louise A. Tilly, Joan W. Scott, and Miriam Cohen counter that unmarried women started working during the industrial revolution to meet an economic need, not to gain personal freedom. They state that the rise in illegitimacy rates rose due to broken marriages and the absence of traditional support from family, community, and the church. With women starting to work this caused a change in people’s lifestyles. Shorter and Tilly, Scott, and Cohen both have a legitimate argument to if the industrial revolution was the cause of the sexual revolution. You raise the key issues here. It doesn’t need to be this long, but that’s OK. Edward Shorter agrees that women of the upper class in the nineteenth century underwent a female emancipation along with the slave emancipation, but he says that it doesn’t account for the women with families. Young, low status women underwent a radical movement in female emancipation in the late eighteenth century because of the involvement in the economy of the market place. This emancipation started with the young women of low status to older women of higher status. There were some general characteristics describing women during this time. There were many famous women making stands for women’s independence and rights, that it was hard to see the position of all women or the norms of women. One thing Shorter states is, except for the few exceptions of famous women, most of them were still powerless and dependent. Female emancipation was all about becoming independent. Married women wanted household political power and a family where they have their own rights, sexual gratifications, and emotional freedom. Unmarried women started ignoring the strict views and opinions of parents and community to satisfy their personal needs. All women started disregarding outside controls for personal freedom and sexuality for individual self-fulfillment. Up to here is satisfactory, but more info than necessary and not completely clear. These changes may be linked to the economic changes towards capitalism, an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations. Good. One change was that capitalism made subcultures of wage-earning people. These people began to create their own rules and standards on how to run their community. Some of the rules where sexual behavior, target family size, and new techniques for contraception and abortion. The new young people were sexually active and it became a social norm to have sex before marriage. Shorter thinks that some aspect of industrialism must be held accountable for the expressly permissive sexual content of the subcultures. Another change dealing with capitalism was the mentality of the market place. As women began working in the market place they began to bring the principles of the market place into other areas of their lives. Shorter believes that the labor markets were the most direct source of personal freedom. Capitalism’s metal habits of maximizing one’s self-interest and sacrificing community goals to get individual profit was what women learned in the market place and it’s what they wanted in all aspects of life including their family and their freedom. Lastly, the industrial advance along with capitalism removed many external controls upon female sexual freedom. As women were bringing home paychecks meant they contributed to the family’s resources and would be entitled to a greater voice in how these resources were used. This lead to women being more equal and the premarital sex codes became more permissive as her status was completely dependent on the husbands. Shorter came to state that capitalism entitled a source for females to be independent and have sexual freedom. The low wage, young people started the involvement in the market economy. The prosperous women soon followed in the nineteenth century. For unmarried women capitalism meant personal and sexual freedom. Young women were able to go against parental controls with her sexual and emotional independence because she knew the market would still hire her and give her self-sufficiency, and if needed, would move her to a town where she could work. This lead to the absence of birth control and therefore illegitimacy. You say more than necessary in the first paragraph of this section; your explanation of the argument could be stronger.
Management Decisions and Control-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: How can Managers Design Good Performance Measures in Organisations? Answer: Managment Decisions and Control Nowadays, effective management decisions and control systems are vital to the success and growth a business enterprise. It helps companies to improve their overall efficiency and accomplish long term objectives(Tukker 2015). The present essay emphasizes how managers can design and develop good performance measures in organizations. In the present scenario, the competition among businesses in almost every industry has become so intense that it is no longer easy for companies to attract new customers and retail the old ones. At present, management focuses on making a company cost effective so that the overall performance can be enhanced in the long run. It can be stated that cost efficient businesses can enhance their overall margin of profits. Nowadays, managers try to reduce the overall cost of operations so that they can have better margins of profits by selling products and services at the same price. Cost efficiency is also linked with performance measurement as it indicates that the organization is making the best and most efficient utilization of all available resources. In the modern era, becoming cost efficient is important because it supports businesses to carry out adequate planning and has effective control over the resources(Magelssen, Sanchez Damanpour 2015). Cost efficiency is also relevant to per formance measurement as low operational cost represents the overall effectiveness of management. It can be expressed that businesses with high cost are not able to generate adequate profits and at the same time they lack strong management and control over the crucial resources. To accomplish the criterion of cost efficiency it is necessary to identify the key areas where the organization can save the major cost. For instance, if any organization has set targets to reduce the overall cost of operations then in such case the best way to accomplish their criteria is by adopting latest tools. A business enterprise can easily rely on advanced technology where the use of machines can assist in reducing the cost and in turn performance of the enterprise can be boosted easily. For accomplishing this criterion better management of the resource is required along with the proper planning so that overall operations can be conducted properly(Chen, Delmas Lieberman 2015). Identifying key areas for reducing cost can be surely beneficial such as production cost, marketing cost, etc. Apart from this, some other areas are present which business may be allocating high cost such as marketing and for the same best alternative can be chosen such as social media marketing with t he help of which overall productivity can be enhanced. It is the duty of managers to enhance production level of the business in lesser cost as this can directly lead to higher profit margin which is beneficial for the enterprise in every possible manner. Businesses have identified different ways of cutting costs, and this has allowed them to enhance their performance in the market. A company like Ryanair has removed two or three of its lavatories, and they are replaced with up to six extra seats(Hough 2011). This is one of the most effective ways which managers working in Ryanair have identified to lower down the cost level and it has allowed in enhancing profitability level. On the other hand, in the case of Ford motor the best criteria adopted by the company for reducing cost by cutting down the salaried workforce(Muller 2017). So, this supported in becoming cost efficient and has allowed accomplishing desired objectives. A company such as Indigo airlines can be considered as the most relevant example of how cost efficiency can be linked with performance measurement. In the year 2016, the company adopted several practices and strategies with an objective to reduce its overall cost of operations(Majumder 2017). The result of this was that Indigo airlines became the most profitable airline company and was also awarded the title of the company of the year 2016. At the same time, cost efficiency practices supported in developing the higher degree of customers satisfaction which can be considered as one of the most vital tools of performance measurement. The entire study being carried out has supported in knowing about the significance of effective criteria in performance measurement. In case if any organization is cost efficient then it allows in measuring performance and highlights that company is efficient enough in conducting the major operations. Apart from this the examples of companies quoted like Ford, Ryanair has adopted practices of reducing down cost, and this allowed them to maintain their profit level up to the extent. Moreover, cost efficiency has the direct link with performance measurement as in case if managers of the business can identify the areas where costs can be reduced then it leads to performance enhancement and vice versa. References Chen, CM, Delmas, MA Lieberman, MB 2015, 'Production frontier methodologies and efficiency as a performance measure in strategic management research', Strategic Management Journal, vol 36, no. 1, pp. 19-36. Hough, A 2011, Ryanair's new controversial cost cutting plan: one toilet per aircraft, viewed 14 August 2017, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelnews/8823614/Ryanairs-new-controversial-cost-cutting-plan-one-toilet-per-aircraft.html. 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