Saturday, August 31, 2019
Examination of New Zealand’s Exchange Cures
1.Examination of NZ ‘s exchange remedies 1.1 Dumping and Anti Dumping Duty Dumping A straightforward definition is that ware are dumped if their menu value when foreign made into New Zealand is non precisely their typical regard in the state of menu. The menu cost is the value the merchandiser in New Zealand pays for the ware. The ordinary quality is the value the merchandises offer for in the state of menu. These costs are conformed to the ex-industrial installation degree in the state of menu. On the off opportunity that the ex-industrial installation cost is non precisely the ex-plant typical quality ( after alteration have been made to vouch the value scrutiny is sensible ) so dumping has happened. Dumping is lawful At the same clip where it harms New Zealand shapers, duties can be forced to bring around the circumstance. These duties must be forced after a formal scrutiny. Schemes for an scrutiny are situated down in the dumping and offseting Duties Act 1988. The Act meets New Zealand ‘s committednesss under the World Trade Organization Anti-dumping Agreement. It is managed by our Trade Remedies group. The Act is intended to maintain up sensible competition for New Zealand shapers when the dumping hostile to dumping activity. ( Products that are trans-delivered through Australia are non excluded ) . Dumping scrutiny Use this application construction to demand us to research the dumping of foreign merchandises. Your application helps us construct if a full scrutiny is legitimized. You ought to give cogent evidence to show that: †¢dumping is go oning †¢the dumping is harming, or undermines to harm, a family industry †¢your application has support from the residential concern. Examination The full scrutiny includes intensive deliberation of the cogent evidence in the application, and wide get-together of industry and exchange information to make whether dumping is conveying on injury. In the event that there is reasonable cogent evidence of injury from dumping, impermanent steps can be forced by the Minister every bit meager as 60 yearss from the day of the month an scrutiny was begun. These steps are utilized to maintain farther harm from go oning amid the staying clip of the scrutiny. Inside 150 yearss of get downing an scrutiny, our CEO is obliged to light all invested persons of the actualities and decisions apt to construction the premiss for any last finding. This gives invested persons a opportunity to note. Inside 180 yearss of the Begin of the scrutiny, the Minister must do a last finding of whether the dumping of imports is making injury to the residential concern. Hostile to dumping Guidelines have been secured for us to study and settle on picks on applications for price reductions of hostile to dumping duty paid in copiousness of the border of dumping. An border of dumping is the differentiation between the ordinary worth and the menu cost. Hostile to dumping duty ca n't price reductions must be made for against dumping duty paid in copiousness of the border of dumping. Discount demands must be bolstered by verification made by a shipper of the point capable to the resistance to dumping duty. In the event that a merchandiser considers at that place has been ageless alteration to the border of dumping, they ought to likewise see bespeaking reappraisal of the rate of duty. Reach us for all the more about the informations needed for reappraisal applications. Proof of ordinary quality a long clip under uncommon fortunes and trusting upon the consequence of a different audit scrutiny. On the off opportunity that a shield step applies for over a twelvemonth it is to be continuously changed amid its life-time. The Ministry must endeavour to reply to the Minister about the shield scrutiny inside 75 working yearss of the day of the month of start. In the event that the local concern expressions for the load of a impermanent protection step or a impermanent shield step is forced, the Ministry must seek reasonable enterprises to reply to the Minister inside 85 working yearss of the day of the month of initiation.The flowchart underneath gives a diagram of the scrutiny procedure and its TExaminationThe full scrutiny includes intensive deliberation of the cogent evidence in the application archive and an scrutiny of far making industry and exchange information. The shapers doing up the New Zealand industry might similarly be gone by to corroborate informations they have given on echt harm.In the event that informations gave is viewed as questionable it might be slighted. Whenever amid a shield scrutiny, a statutory averment may be obliged to endorsing any adjustment or informations gave, in the manner accommodated in Section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957.The affairs the Ministry must research integrate the accompanying:†¢Whether expanded imports have created or enfeeble to do echt injury.†¢Whether the expanded imports were because of unanticipated betterments.†¢Whether a shield step is of import to expect or bring around echt harm and to promote conformance by the New Zealand industry to expanded competition from the expanded imports.†¢If a shield step is indispensable:oWhich merchandises ought to be apt to a step.oWhich step is suiting.oWhat is the fitting grade and length of clip of the step.†¢Whether the load of a step is in the general population involvement, which may integrate idea of the accompanying:oThe likely viability of a protection step in assisting the local concern.oThe different options for a protection step.oThe likely impact of a shield step available ( numbering on clients ) .oNew Zealand ‘s planetary dealingss a nd exchange aims.oThe critical significance of the concern.2.Review of Newzealand ‘s IP schemes including yet non constrained toProtected invention ( IP ) is often the most profitable resource recorded on a concern ‘ plus study, so its astute to procure your alone IP by and large as you would any of your physical resources.A thing of IP can be anything from a alone idea for an point, to new catchs, an interesting expression or peculiarly identifiable Sons or slogans. Each can give you game modifiers and demands to be ensured.2.1Copyright security abroadCopyright is on a really basic degree non rather the same as different kinds of accredited invention ( IP ) security in visible radiation of the fact that it exists the minute a alone work is made. Nonetheless, how your New Zealand right of first publication is dealt with abroad relies on upon the parts you fare to and the quality of their dedication to cosmopolitan gages.Universal copyright jurisprudenceCopyright is unive rsally acknowledged to be the selective right to use or O.K. others to use a alone spot of work.In the event that you hold the right of first publication on a alone work in a menu market, it implies you can pull off its:†¢reproduction†¢public executing†¢recording†¢broadcasting†¢translation.New Zealand takes portion in different worldwide right of first publication apprehensions and colonies. This implies that when your alone work is made in New Zealand, it is accordingly ensured here and under the right of first publication Torahs in states that are garnering to those apprehensions.Unique plants made in other portion states are to boot secured in New Zealand under these planetary apprehensions.Copyright in New ZealandCopyright is a term for the elect use of a alone work. In New Zealand it is chiefly represented by the Copyright Act 1994, which expresses that right of first publication confidence starts to be accordingly when a alone work is made and settled. This implies the work needs to be more than a idea. Notwithstanding, registration of right of first publication is non needed. No formal model for the registration of right of first publication exists in New Zealand.A right of first publication in New Zealand can maintain traveling for up to 50 old ages, contingent upon the sort of work it ensures.Copyright tagingAlbeit non needed by jurisprudence, it is a smart idea to integrate a right of first publication arrow or acknowledge on your work in New Zealand. Using a right of first publication marker tells others that the work is apt to copyright confidence and that acquiescence is non conceded for others to double the work or pull off it in some other manner. A more thorough notice recognizes the holder and ability behind imaginative work.New Zealand is garnering to different worldwide concurrencies on right of first publication that could impact on your work abroad.2.2PatentA patent issues you restrictive use of an invention for up to 20 old ages. It can turn into a important concern resource that can be purchased, sold, exchanged or authorized like whatever other belongings.Not everybody needs a patent, nevertheless at times holding one can:†¢help to procure your concern hereafter†¢create new unfastened doors†¢provide the echt feelings of repose that originates from cognizing your creative activity ca n't doubtless be replicated or stolen.In a few ways licenses work a touch like protection schemes. What ‘s more, while its basic for most organisations to hold made moves to guarantee other imperative resources like vehicles, hardware and constructions, its less regular to see them procuring the really things that often got them interchanging the primary topographic point – their creative activities.On the off opportunity that you patent a creative activity, for case another sort of paste, you so have the privilege to:†¢manufacture and offer the paste†¢license the rights to another individual to likewise green goods and offer the paste†¢sell all duty for patent itself, so that the new buyer has control over the protected development.A patent will likewise issue you security when you take your invention to market in visible radiation of the fact that it helps you shield possession rights. Frequently merely holding a patent can be sufficient to forestall others from trying to double you.Abroad patent confidenceA patent merely ensures an invention in one state or venue. While there is no such thing as an overall patent, cosmopolitan patent jurisprudence can do it simpler to acquire licences conceded in assorted typical states.This page examines how you can use Convention, Treaty and Regional applications to look for insurance for your creative activity in indispensable menu markets. The information here will assist you to take which options are best for your circumstance and marks.What do you requirement for a Convention application?A New Zealand pat ent application can be utilized as the cardinal application for one or more Convention applications.When you seek an abroad patent under the Convention, you must integrate points of involvement ( e.g. application figure, entering day of the month and Convention state ) of the indispensable application with your application. For the most portion, you must integrate a confirmed extra of the application that you ab initio documented with IPONZ. This may be obliged either when you document or inside a period set by the applicable patent officeScan for bing licencesScaning for a current patent can save you clip and hard currency, and can likewise give motive or chronicled informations. Looking for bing licences is a nice attack to:†¢See whether your invention is new or if the issue it handles has been settled an alternate manner ;†¢Find out whether your creative activity encroaches a current patent. In the event that you advertise a development which as of now has a patent the holder of that patent can do legitimate move against you ;†¢See what creations your challengers have secured ( or connected to procure ) ;†¢Get a idea of how to outline your finding ; and†¢Discover how invention has developed over the long draw.Check for bing licencesHow you scan for patent informations will trust on upon your aims and what you know as of now. Your chase could be focussed on the of import invention, the concerns you are acute on or maybe what your challengers may hold ensured.Case in point, researching an invention can include charming word or grouping Hunts on typical databases. This sort of scrutiny can necessitate important investing and be unpredictable. Interestingly, runing down a current patent can be basic in the event that you know the state and have a mention figure.2.3Trade imprintAn exchange imprint is a particular identifier, on a regular basis alluded to as a â€Å" trade name †or â€Å" logo †. When an exchange imprint i s enlisted, the  ® image may be utilized with the exchange grade.Exchange imprints can integrate words, Sons, chromaticities, forms, sounds, smells – or any mix of these. Two instances of by and large perceived exchange imprints are demonstrated as follows – they have ended up important resources for the concern that enrolled them:1An exchange imprint empowers organisations to acknowledge their points or disposals from comparative points or disposals offered by rivals. The primary design is to do a different and ideally critical trade name that clients spouse with quality points or disposals. Fulfilled clients will be more prone to buy the same trade name once more and touch the trade name to others. An in figure trade name along these lines helps a concern both pick up and keep its clients.RegisterYou are non lawfully needed to inscribe your exchange imprint to use it. On the other manus, by non inscribing your imprint you remain to lose out on the legitimate confid ence and different net incomes recorded antecedently. An unregistered imprint is similarly harder to procure in visible radiation of the fact that you must depend on the jurisprudence of go throughing off or take minutess under the Fair Trading Act. Such activities can be more difficult to show and can include drawn-out and inordinate suit.By complexness, enlisting an exchange imprint issues you a keeping substructure under the Trade Marks Act 2002. With stronger lawful insurance, you can action for invasion in the event that another individual utilizes the same or a ‘confusingly comparative ‘ grade for the same or comparable merchandises or disposals in which the imprint is enlisted.Check for bing exchange MarkssYour application to inscribe an exchange imprint is apt to be dismisses if your expected imprint is as of now requested, enlisted, being used or is ‘confusingly comparable ‘ to a current exchange grade. This makes it indispensable to watch that the s ame or a comparable exchange imprintInternational trade Markss
Friday, August 30, 2019
Frostbite Chapter 17
Seventeen WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE doing?†she demanded. Her voice was still too loud as far as I was concerned. â€Å"Nothing, I- â€Å" â€Å"Excuse us, Lord Ivashkov,†she growled. Then, like I was five years old, she grabbed me by my arm and jerked me out of the room. Champagne sloshed out of my glass and splashed onto the skirt of my dress. â€Å"What do you think you're doing?†I exclaimed, once we were out in the hall. Mournfully, I looked down at my dress. â€Å"This is silk. You could have ruined it.†She grabbed the champagne flute and set it down on a nearby table. â€Å"Good. Maybe it'll stop you from dressing up like a cheap whore.†â€Å"Whoa,†I said, shocked. â€Å"That's kind of harsh. And where do you get off turning motherly all of a sudden?†I gestured to the dress. â€Å"This isn't exactly cheap. You thought it was nice of Tasha to give it to me.†â€Å"That's because I didn't expect you to wear it out with Moroi and make a spectacle of yourself.†â€Å"I'm not making a spectacle of myself. And anyway, it covers everything up.†â€Å"A dress that tight might as well be showing everything,†she retorted. She, of course, was dressed in guardian black: tailored black linen pants and a matching blazer. She had a few curves of her own, but the clothing hid them. â€Å"Especially when you're with a group like that. Your body's†¦conspicuous. And flirting with Moroi doesn't really help.†â€Å"I wasn't flirting with him.†The accusation made me angry because I felt I'd been on really good behavior lately. I used to flirt all the time- and do other things- with Moroi guys, but after a few talks and one embarrassing incident with Dimitri, I'd realized how stupid that was. Dhampir girls did have to be careful with Moroi guys, and I kept that in mind all the time now. Something petty occurred to me. â€Å"Besides,†I said mockingly, â€Å"isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Hook up with a Moroi and further my race? It's what you did.†She glowered. â€Å"Not when I was your age.†â€Å"You were only a few years older than me.†â€Å"Don't do anything stupid, Rose,†she said. â€Å"You're too young for a baby. You don't have the life experience for it- you haven't even lived your own life yet. You won't be able to do the kind of job you wish you could.†I groaned, mortified. â€Å"Are we really even discussing this? How did we go from me allegedly flirting to suddenly having a litter? I'm not having sex with him or anyone else, and even if I were, I know about birth control. Why are you talking to me like I'm a child?†â€Å"Because you act like one.†It was remarkably like what Dimitri had told me. I glared. â€Å"So you're going to send me to my room now?†â€Å"No, Rose.†She suddenly looked tired. â€Å"You don't have to go to your room, but don't go back in there, either. Hopefully you didn't draw too much attention.†â€Å"You make it sound like I was giving a lap dance in there,†I told her. â€Å"I just had dinner with Lissa.†â€Å"You'd be surprised what things can spark rumors,†she warned. â€Å"Especially with Adrian Ivashkov.†With that, she turned and headed off down the hall. Watching her, I felt anger and resentment burn through me. Overreact much? I hadn't done anything wrong. I knew she had her whole blood-whore paranoia, but this was extreme, even for her. Worst of all, she'd dragged me out of there, and several people had witnessed it. For someone who supposedly didn't want me attracting attention, she'd kind of messed that one up. A couple of Moroi who'd been standing near Adrian and me walked out of the room. They glanced in my direction and then whispered something as they passed. â€Å"Thanks, Mom,†I muttered to myself. Humiliated, I stalked off in the opposite direction, not really sure where I was going. I headed out toward the back of the lodge, away from all the activity. The hall eventually ended, but a door leading to some stairs sat on the left. The door was unlocked, so I followed the stairs upward to another door. To my pleasure, it opened up onto a small rooftop deck that didn't appear to see much use. A blanket of snow lay over it all, but it was early morning out here, and the sun shone brightly, making everything glitter. I brushed snow off of a large, box-like object that looked to be part of the ventilation system. Heedless of my dress, I sat down on it. Wrapping my arms around myself, I stared off, taking in the view and the sun I rarely got to enjoy. I was startled when the door opened a few minutes later. When I looked back I was even more startled still to see Dimitri emerge. My heart gave a small flutter, and I turned away, unsure what to think. His boots crunched in the snow as he walked over to where I was sitting. A moment later, he took off his long coat and draped it over my shoulders. He sat down beside me. â€Å"You must be freezing.†I was, but I didn't want to admit it. â€Å"The sun's out.†He tipped his head back, looking up at the perfect blue sky. I knew he missed the sun as much as I did sometimes. â€Å"It is. But we're still on a mountain in the middle of winter.†I didn't answer. We sat there in a comfortable silence for a while. Occasionally, a light wind blew clouds of snow around. It was night for Moroi, and most would be going to bed soon, so the ski runs were quiet. â€Å"My life is a disaster,†I finally said. â€Å"It's not a disaster,†he said automatically. â€Å"Did you follow me from the party?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"I didn't even know you were there.†His dark clothes indicated he must have been on guardian duty at the party. â€Å"So you saw the illustrious Janine cause a commotion by dragging me out.†â€Å"It wasn't a commotion. Hardly anyone noticed. I saw because I was watching you.†I refused to let myself get excited over that. â€Å"That's not what she said,†I told him. â€Å"I might as well have been working a corner as far as she was concerned.†I relayed the conversation from the hallway. â€Å"She's just worried about you,†Dimitri said when I finished. â€Å"She overreacted.†â€Å"Sometimes mothers are overprotective.†I stared at him. â€Å"Yeah, but this is my mother. And she didn't seem that protective, really. I think she was more worried I'd embarrass her or something. And all that becoming-a-mother-too-young stuff was stupid. I'm not going to do anything like that.†â€Å"Maybe she wasn't talking about you,†he said. More silence. My jaw fell open. You don't have the life experience for it- you haven't even lived your own life yet. You won't be able to do the kind of job you wish you could. My mom had been twenty when I was born. Growing up, that had always seemed really old to me. But now†¦that was only a few years off for me. Not old at all. Did she think she'd had me too soon? Had she done a shoddy job raising me simply because she didn't know any better at the time? Did she regret the way things had turned out between us? And was it†¦ was it maybe possible that she'd had some personal experience of her own with Moroi men and people spreading rumors about her? I had inherited a lot of her features. I mean, I'd even noticed tonight what a nice figure she had. She had a pretty face, too- for a nearly forty-year-old, I mean. She'd probably been really, really good-looking when she was younger†¦. I sighed. I didn't want to think about that. If I did, I might have to reevaluate my relationship with her- maybe even acknowledge my mother as a real person- and I already had too many relationships stressing me. Lissa always worried me, even though she seemed to be okay for a change. My so-called romance with Mason was in shambles. And then, of course, there was Dimitri†¦. â€Å"We aren't fighting right now.†I blurted out. He gave me a sidelong look. â€Å"Do you want to fight?†â€Å"No. I hate fighting with you. Verbally, I mean. I don't mind in the gym.†I thought I detected the hint of a smile. Always a half-smile for me. Rarely a full one. â€Å"I don't like fighting with you either.†Sitting next to him there, I marveled at the warm and happy emotions springing up inside of me. There was something about being around him that felt so good, that moved me in a way Mason couldn't. You can't force love, I realized. It's there or it isn't. If it's not there, you've got to be able to admit it. If it is there, you've got to do whatever it takes to protect the ones you love. The next words that came out of my mouth astonished me, both because they were completely unselfish and because I actually meant them. â€Å"You should take it.†He flinched. â€Å"What?†â€Å"Tasha's offer. You should take her up on it. It's a really great chance.†I remembered my mom's words about being ready for children. I wasn't. Maybe she hadn't been. But Tasha was. And I knew Dimitri was too. They got along really well. He could go be her guardian, have some kids with her †¦ it would be a good deal for both of them. â€Å"I never expected to hear you say anything like that,†he told me, voice tight. â€Å"Especially after- â€Å" â€Å"What a bitch I've been? Yeah.†I tugged his coat tighter against the cold. It smelled like him. It was intoxicating, and I could half-imagine being wrapped in his embrace. Adrian might have been onto something about the power of scent. â€Å"Well. Like I said, I don't want to fight anymore. I don't want us to hate each other. And†¦well †¦Ã¢â‚¬ I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them. â€Å"No matter how I feel about us †¦ I want you to be happy.†Silence yet again. I noticed then that my chest hurt. Dimitri reached out and put his arm around me. He pulled me to him, and I rested my head on his chest. â€Å"Roza,†was all he said. It was the first time he'd really touched me since the night of the lust charm. The practice room had been something different †¦ more animal. This wasn't even about sex. It was just about being close to someone you cared about, about the emotion that kind of connection flooded you with. Dimitri might run off with Tasha, but I would still love him. I would probably always love him. I cared about Mason. But I would probably never love him. I sighed into Dimitri, just wishing I could stay like that forever. It felt right being with him. And- no matter how much the thought of him and Tasha made me ache- doing what was best for him felt right. Now, I knew, it was time to stop being a coward and do something else that was right. Mason had said I needed to learn something about myself. I just had. Reluctantly, I pulled away and handed Dimitri his coat. I stood up. He regarded me curiously, sensing my unease. â€Å"Where you going?†he asked. â€Å"To break someone's heart,†I replied. I admired Dimitri for a heartbeat more- the dark, knowing eyes and silken hair. Then I headed inside. I had to apologize to Mason†¦and tell him there'd never be anything between us.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Corporate Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Corporate Strategy - Essay Example For evaluating the strategic positioning of the company the following features are considered: Industry - Wm Morrisons Supermarkets Plc is one of the largest supermarkets in Britain’s retail industry. It is food retailer primarily in the UK. In January 2012, the supermarket chain Had 475 stores in Britain that ranged in size between 3,000 to above 40,000 square feet. Its subsidiaries are Farmers Boy Limited, a manufacturer and the distributor for food products, Neerock limited which is a meat processor company and many more (WM Morrison Supermarkets P L C (MRW.L), 2012). It positions itself in the market by branding its goods as its â€Å"own brand products†. Morrisons also stocks different branded products, ranging from low prices to high prices and obviously different qualities of product. This is a good thing for Morrisons as it offers products for all people who shop at each end of the money spectrum. Competitors – The company faces competition from retailers like ASDA Group Limited, J Sainsbury Plc, John Lewis Partnership Plc, Tesco Plc and Waitrose Plc. According to the report published Retail Week, John Lewis had surged a sales volume of 14.9% that led to ?60.8m due to the Olympic fever. J Sainsbury Plc had entered into a partnership with David Beckham to attract young children (Retail Week, 2012). These strategies increase competition for the company considerably. Morrisons are in a partnership with former England Cricketer Andrew â€Å"Freddy†Flintoff. This is helping Morrisons as he is a well-known sporting professional Market – Wm Morrisons Supermarkets Plc is a retail chain company. The market segmentation done by the company includes the consumer section particularly the domestic households which require a constant supply of food products. It also caters to the entertainment and luxury segment by offering goods for entertainment and decorating households. Products/ Services – The products/ services offered by the company include providing fresh as well as frozen foods, groceries like fruits and vegetables, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks like wine and beer. It also provides products for entertainment, baby products, pharmaceutical products, products for the domesticated pets and entertainment products. (Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc, 2011). Strategic capabilities – Strategic capabilities of a firm will denote the activities that will set it apart from its competitors. In case of Wm Morrisons, the company has tied up with two online companies known as Kiddicare present in UK and Fresh direct which is present in the US. This would help the company to enter new market segments in outside areas like in the US. It also included Steve Thompson who was the former internet store manager for Apple, in its board members (Morrisons Supermarkets plc. 2012).. There were other strategic initiatives too like appointing people with adequate market expertise in the retail domain who would help th e company in its expansion motives such as Belinda Youngs as the Own Brand Director who would be responsible for enhancing the own label of the company as one leading brand (Morrisons announces four new senior management appointments, 2012).. The company also actively performs in its corporate social responsibilities that help it to maintain a good reputation in the market. It maintains its CSR responsibilities in the form of cutting down its carbon usage, handling its waste products responsibly
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Business in Luxembourg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Business in Luxembourg - Essay Example But over the last few decades the steel industry’s importance has come down while financial and banking services have taken the front seat. The financial services sector constituted more than 80% of the country’s GDP. In 2006, Luxembourg had 156 banks. Some of the key points which have helped the economy to perform well are educated labour force adept in different languages, state of the art communications system, easy admittance to surrounding European economies, and a stable government. The government has also taken the initiative to showcase the country as a communications and audio visual hub. The government has promoted satellite technology in this context. The country with its stable political background has attracted considerable amount of FDI or foreign direct investments in small, medium and large industrial projects. Though the agricultural sector constitutes of 1% of the economy the country is famous for high quality white wines (Country profile: Luxembourg, January 2009; Luxembourg: Economy, September 2008). The country holds a strategic location in Europe being surrounded by or rather landlocked by three big European economies of Germany, France and Belgium. Being one of the most prosperous countries in the world, it has an open culture and is hospitable to people and business from different areas. Moreover, the highly educated workforce is an asset to the countries economy and has attracted many foreign multinationals to set up their IT and financial clusters there. The country offers numerous tax rebates which has acted as an impetus for its growth, especially in the arena of financial services and banking. It has very high level of telecommunication, satellite and basic infrastructure. It believes in liberal policies and has been a proponent of the same at the European Union level also. This has assisted it in becoming one of the best performing economies not only in Europe but all over the world. It has been able to leverage
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Database Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Database Management - Assignment Example The wild wood company offers fair rates to employees who live and maintain the apartments. It is the tradition of the wild wood apartments to ensure that they meet to discuss on how to improve the standards of their apartments and plan to expand their business in real estate. Tenants fill questionnaires every end month to air out complaints or suggest on new ways to maintain the apartments. The introduction of a database will be to meet the daily needs of the employees and the tenants who live within the Wild Wood apartments. It will also help in keeping of records of the apartments such as expenditure and the rents paid by the tenants. The database may also have records on the margin of profits and losses of the apartments. 4. Building the physical database: The data model will be translated to the Relational Database Management system. Tables, Columns with specific data types and Relational and other constraints created. Time allotted 2 days. 5. Testing and security: Sample data will be entered and each of the business rules and requirements will be tested. General database security and security related to business rules will also be tested. Time allotted 3 weeks. 6. Database completion and installation: Final changes and corrections are made. Sample data will be removed and the database installed on a server. Final testing for server access and connections. Time allotted 2
Monday, August 26, 2019
Presenting the first step of the three step writing process Assignment
Presenting the first step of the three step writing process - Assignment Example During the completion step, the writer revises, proofreads, and distributes the final report among the audience. The three step writing process is important to create purposeful presentations, which are comprehensible, brief, and focused, all at the same time. Planning Planning of business messages requires a business professional to do following tasks: A. Analyzing the situation is the most important step of planning, as it includes clearly identifying the purpose of report and analyzing the audience type. It not only saves time but is also convenient in terms of budget. Business message must be purposeful, worthwhile, and realistic, and must go in accordance with the IQ level of the audience. For example, if the intended audience is elderly employees, then it is no use using too many technological words, as they will not be able to understand. B. The information, that should necessarily be ethical and pertinent, is gathered keeping in consideration the needs of the audience. This i nformation outlines the purpose of the business message to be conveyed. For example, business message intended for females must encompass the needs of women only, and not the general population. This may include messages about maternity leave; and, these messages will be laid out in a way that interests only females. C. Medium, through which the message will travel onto the audience, is considered. The writer considers whether to deliver message through, for example, conversation, speech, lecture, phone call, email, or brochure; and, also considers cost and availability of the chosen media. The audiences’ access to the chosen media is also considered. For example, not every person uses computer and internet, that is, electronic media. There may be some individuals who may use internet inside the workplace but do not have computers at homes. So, to deliver the message to general audience, all pros and cons of chosen media are considered. D. Lastly, the information gathered or the message outlined is organized. Organization saves times and makes the message more clear and understandable, while building audience interest at the same time. For example, a claim without evidence is a kind of unorganized message that is not reliable at all. Real World Example Let’s suppose that the employer has to arrange a vacation, and has to ask the employees to report their convenient dates for vacations. The first step would be planning, in which the employer has to analyze the problem. Information about employees and their past vacations is analyzed. Medium is selected. Emails are a common form of interaction between employees, so this channel may be preferred. In writing phase, a clear message is laid out. For example: â€Å"All employees are requested to submit their convenient dates for the oncoming vacation to the manager by October 15th,†is a good message encompassing all kinds of employees. This kind of message is not only clear and simple, but also gives others a chance to collaborate, in a shared environment, with each other and with the officials. In completion step, the message is revised, proofread, and is distributed through the chosen medium, which may be email or a simple report form. Insight I believe that the three step writing process needs the writer to possess basic writing skills; and, that he must be able to understand the importance of clear, concise, accurate, and pertinent business message. I have learnt that an
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Formal Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Formal Outline - Essay Example Let's not forget that we, as individuals, have a personality, unique in itself and equally appealing. 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall, show me the one, I desire'. Does ring a bell, doesn't it You may argue that, not quite. Well, I don't disagree. Welcome to the world of the make-believe, where people from all walks of life, bent upon perfection, abuse their bodies to reflect the personality that they never are. The men and women on the street, ape celebrities and subsequently suffer for the sake of their appearance. The idea of monitoring, measuring, and enhancing is a means to underline the fact that, companies that advertise so profusely in the various Medias, do so for their betterment and growth. Little is said about the after effects of these 'personality-enhancement' products. This is a cause of concern, as people are misled to believing that these health and beauty products are a sure way to success and self-esteem. In short, the ploy to inculcate such demeaning methods is an imposition of unreasonable standards on the consumer. Is everything that we see in front of our eyes true It can be misleading at times. FTV, Vogue, Hollywood and the Internet have a lot in common; Fashion. Yes, ladies and gentlemen; fashion, that you and me admire and wish to model ourselves on. Media plays an important role in influencing out thoughts. If it not were for the TV, Movies, Magazines, and Internet, would we be indulgent and self-conscious Not quite, perhaps. First Main Idea Has it ever dawned on you that what we see on these Medias is nothing short of make-believe Channels beam the rich and famous in hour-glass costumes that cost the earth. We tend to forget the cost, and dream of their bodies as our own. We are made to believe that the slim, underbred women in sexy gowns that cost a fortune, symbolises the successful and dynamic woman of today. Sadly, this is far from the truth. First subordinate idea The names of Jean Paul Gaultier, Carolina Herrera, Felipe Oliveira Baptista, Carmen Marc Valvo, Christian Dior, Karl Lagerfeld, and Elie Saab, to name a few, are breakfast names. They dish out dresses that are show-cased by the skinniest of skinniest models; role models for the never-say-die women of today. But, in reality, are they really as healthy and happy as we are made to believe in Consider the following: First supporting detail The Fashion magnates have all along encouraged unreasonable & unhealthy body images at fashion shows. They have used models who are ultra thin to promote clothes that only they can wear. Luisel Ramos died on the catwalk & Ana Carolina Reston died of starvation. Second supporting detail The sudden demise of Anna Nicole Smith has come as a shock to the film and modelling fraternity. What could have caused the death of this pretty 39 year old Surrounded by controversy right through her chequered career, this ravishing beauty was struck down by an unknown calamity that will go down in history as being under controversial circumstances. Third supporting detail London Fashion Week got under way on Monday with the ongoing debate over ultra-skinny models continuing to dominate proceeding over styles on the catwalk. The untimely deaths caused due to starvation have practically removed skinny
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Evalue my diet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Evalue my diet - Essay Example On the other hand, weaknesses of my diet can be observed in the failure to consume adequate amounts of certain crucial components of any diet. This is evident in the low intake of vegetables, which falls below average by not consuming starchy vegetables, which are required for good health, while at the same failing to stick to healthy eating in a consistent manner. This is evidenced by lack of admission to taking three meals a day, which are only taken occasionally and not frequently, while the meals that are taken are taken until I am full. This is a grave admission of a poor diet meaning that I fail to observe healthy eating habits and the failure to eat slowly shows lack of dedication to healthy eating no matter how nutritious a meal is. In addition, the bad habits of my diet are also displayed by the lack of a limiting factor in eating as a form of eliminating stress or as a way of coping with stress. Though done sometimes, eating mindlessly in response to stress portrays a form of irresponsibility in my diet, as it creates a discrepancy in healthy eating. I believe that improvements to my diet could be done through the inclusion of plenty of juice in my diet, reducing sweetened drinks, especially in the juices and other drinks. The drinks also need to be of low caloric value, which implies low sugar drinks and beverages, while making sure that they are low fat as they are as important as water is by having zero calories. Furthermore, in relation to solid meals, there is need to rid my diet of fried foods as such as fries, which are high in calories, while consuming high sugar and fat foods on rare occasions if at all there is need or craving for them. My diet can further be improved through the application of nutrients that are rarely consumed such as dark green vegetables, starchy, red, and orange vegetables that I do not consume on a regular basis. This is because it is not done in a weekly basis that is worth to be considered as appropriate as can also be seen with other crucial nutrients such as vitamin A, D and E. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, I will require making a number of changes in my diet, and these lie especially in relation to calorie intake, which translate to the first modification being the elimination of fried foods and high fat snacks from my diet. With this in mind, it is bound to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the amount of fat in the diet and, as a result in the body. In addition, high sugar snacks need to be eliminated or consumed on rare occasions and not sometimes, to eliminate the risk of being obese as these sugary foods contribute to obesity. To meet the recommendations there is need to include high fiber foods to cater for the high sugar diet, while water would serve as the perfect replacement for high sugar snacks and other high calorie and fried foods. In my current lifestyle, there are potential barriers that need to be overcome in order to ge t the recommended dietary measures and conduct. These include the need to allocate more time to my eating so that I do not have to eat in a hurry, the same way that there will be more time in order to have all three meals. This is because, with my current lifest
Truman's Doctrine Containing Soviet Expansion Essay
Truman's Doctrine Containing Soviet Expansion - Essay Example The relations between Soviet Union and the United States were driven by an interaction of socio-economic, political and ideological differences which led to the deterioration of relationships between the two superpowers of the world. The alliance between the two countries was purely strategic because there was a remarkable difference between the ideologies followed by the two countries. USA was the flag bearer of Capitalism whereas USSR was the country who gave birth to the communist ideology so a clash of interest always existed between the two nations leading to an eternal distrust (Kegley & Blanton, 2011). During the War, the Nazi forces in France, Italy and lower countries of Europe were defeated by the US and British forces whereas the Russian forces defeated the Nazis in Germany and Eastern Europe. The Soviet army continued to occupy the Eastern European states during the wartime and the US or the other Western powers were not in a position to do anything about it at that time. Communist governments were imposed on the Eastern European countries by USSR and Stalin started controlling these states directly and made no secret of it during the various postwar conferences. Germany was also divided into four zones controlled by USSR, USA, Britain and France. USSR considered Germany as a threat to its Communist state because of the past experiences and did not want to create a strong Germany therefore it continued to weaken Eastern Europe by taking equipment and materials (Sulzberger, 1985). The Soviet leadership was afraid of the rapid improvement in the lifestyle of people in the capitalist nations and feared that the expanding capitalism will pose a threat to the communist ideology. As a counter policy USSR started imposing communist governments in the countries controlled by the USSR after the war and communism took hold of most of the Eastern Europe and a few countries in the Far East. Harry S. Truman became the 33rd President of the United States after th e death of Franklin Roosevelt in 1945. Truman had to face a lot of challenges at the very beginning of his days in the office of the President of US and he managed to devise some very efficient policies to put an end to a number of internal and external crises (McCullough, 2003). Truman’s days in the office were marked by the end of the Second World War and he soon became aware of the expansionist expeditions of the Soviet Union. He considered the expansion of the USSR and the conversion of a considerable number of countries to communism a threat to the global peace, security and freedom. Truman set forth a policy in 1947 which clearly stated that the US will give economic and military aid to the countries which were under a threat of falling into the Soviet sphere. In one of his speeches he stated that US would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent USSR to establish a communist government in these countries. This policy of containing the expansi on of communism in the world was later termed as Truman’s Doctrine (Calvocressi, 2001). Truman clearly stated the objectives of the Doctrine and made it part of the foreign policy of the United States, in fact the various important decisions of future like the Marshall Plan and the creation of the NATO were also based on the principles laid in the Truman’s Doctrine. The purpose of the doctrine was to support free
Friday, August 23, 2019
Reading can be seen as an interactive process between a reader and a Essay
Reading can be seen as an interactive process between a reader and a text which leads to automatically on reading fluency. In - Essay Example This involves three phase process which consists of translating writings into a sound and then into a meaning. The silent symbols acquired through vision need to be transformed correctly to their expected meaning (Wolf, Bowers & Biddle, 2000). This is the first skill that a reader should possess. In order to read appropriately, the reader should be able to translate the symbols into words very fast because reading is handled by short memory in the brain (Diane, 1997). This makes the reader make a phrase. A group of meaningful phrases make sentences which forms an idea. Cognitive limitations cause difficulty in reading as readers translate sight to words much slowly which may make it difficult to produce the desired meaning (Diane, 1997). The reader should be able to detect and isolate basic sound units. This helps the readers to know phonemes associated with certain letters or words (Adams, 1994). They should tell clearly which letter, group of letters or words produce a certain phon eme. This ability tells how easily a learner can read (Adams, 1994). For the readers to appreciate and work with phonemes appropriately they should understand that their language can be broken down in to phonemes. This leads to easy integration of the senses and sound which is a key in the reading process (Walker, 2003). Sight is the sense that is widely applied in the reading process. ... This entails moving from left to right and following a sentence at a time (Stothard, 1994). Reading is difficult for someone who finds it hard to apply sequence appropriately because there is definitely a problem of converting symbols from one form to another correctly and with the desired speed (Walker, 2003). Using valid examples, briefly explain what guided and free writing tasks are. In writing, both free and guided writing are important in developing writing skills among the learners (Rivers, 1968). Guided writing is a form of writing whereby the instructors or the teachers help learners to write (Lori, 2007). This entails showing learners how to start writing, draft a text, revise a text and correct mistakes. The instructor aids the writing process by giving the writers the basis of writing as well as correcting them so as to write the way he/she expects (Lori, 2007). There are varieties of materials that help the learners to write. The instructor provides a material to guide i n writing. This may include dictating repeatedly what the writers are going to write (Myles, 2002). The instructor may also give material that the learners are going to copy. This form of writing also entails instructors going around the class to individual student or to group of students telling them how and what to write as well as correcting them repeatedly whenever they make mistakes (Myles, 2002). The instructor may also give graphics or video clips to guide the learners write. Learners in this case are required to write what they have already encountered. For instance they can be required to write about a story they have already read. They can as well be required to write a story based on a scene of a movie they have watched (Myles, 2002). The
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Reward System in Educational Settings Essay Example for Free
Reward System in Educational Settings Essay The reward systems used in educational settings originates from psychology of behavior that specifically gives specific emphasis on promoting good discipline in educational settings. Education institutions are able to make significant differences in children’s behavior through setting out definite rules and stipulating sanctions and rewards for violating them. The fundamental nature of such systems is the idea that students can choose how to conduct themselves. Therefore, by rewarding and recognizing good behaviors whereas bad ones are punished, it is believed that students will aspire to choose good behaviors. A number of psychologists argue that in most cases education institutions focus on rectifying bad behaviors only rather than recognizing or reinforcing good behavior among students. They therefore criticize such an approach as being too basic because it eliminates the framework within which students’ conduct occurs and leaves total liability up on individual for their behavior. Although such criticizing arguments have been put forward, reward systems have been widely adopted in most education institutions especially primary and secondary schools. There are argued to impact positively on student’s behavior and performance as well as to teachers (Kohn, 1993). In regard to this, psychologists have explained the reward systems using a number of learning theories which relates the psychology and education disciplines. Learning is the means through which cognitive, emotional, and environment influences and experiences suitable for enhancing, acquiring, or making ones skills, knowledge, and values are brought together. Thus, the learning process puts emphasis on events that occur in the learning environment and this is explained by a number of learning theories. The learning theories clarify on how animals and people learn thus aiding us to understand the inherent complex learning process. All the learning theories which have been put forward by various psychologists are grouped into three categories: cognitive, behavior, constructivism and social-cognitive. Motivation of students is the basic necessity to guarantee success of any education enterprise. The dynamics of motivation can be explained as the types of academic and social goals which students brings into the classrooms, motivating elements of such goals, and the existing reward systems that together control the quantity and quality of learning as well as the will to keep on learning (Deci Ryan, 1986). Motivation has been categorized by psychologists into four groups: instrumental motivation, achievement motivation, intrinsic motivation, and social motivation. However, more than one type of motivation may occur to a student at a given time. Instrumental motivation as a type of motivation is exclusively extrinsic because students carry out tasks as they are influenced by probable final consequences such as the probability of acquiring material rewards or keeping away from a reprimand. Therefore, in cases of such motivation, teachers are supposed to ensure that tasks being performed are put in contexts that students perceive pleasant. Social motivation argues that students execute tasks in order to please people they admire, respect or whose views are of significance to them. In regard to this social motivation, rewards have no significance although tangible as well as immaterial. Besides, rewards are correlated expressly to the perceived association between the learners and the teachers or instructors whose underpinning activities such as praise and approval are considered important. Achievement motivation involves students learning and hoping for success and it has three components: cognitive drive –whereby students attempts to satisfy identified ‘need to know’; self enhancement –learners satisfy the call for self-respect; affiliation –learners seek support from others; Intrinsic motivation is characterized by the absence of external rewards hence tasks are undertaken for the pleasure and satisfaction they bring the students. It appears to be fundamental to high quality participation in an undertaking as well as being self-terminating and self-maintaining. Curiosity and a desire to meet challenges may characterize the learning of students motivated in this style (Ardord, 2006). To clearly explain the system of reward in schools, a few theories are explained. Maslow’s theory of motivation focuses on a person’s striving for excellence and he explained this through ‘hierarchy of human needs’. Maslow pointed out that every human being is a ‘wanting animal’ hence he supposed that an individual’s behavior at any given time is dominated by his/her needs that have largest potency. As lower level psychological needs of a person are sufficiently achieved, the needs for higher level psychological needs come in handy. In the context of education, Maslow’s theory argues that students cannot and/or are not willing to learn or put more effort if their basic needs are not provided or met. Therefore, students require psychological needs to be met alongside their safety feelings and a sense of belonging. Such leads to spontaneous sense as learners who are hungry will not concentrate, nor will learners who are bullied and neither will learners who perceive to be outsiders and without friends. According to Maslow, learners are motivated if they are self-actualized and any hindrances affects learning environment considerably (Ibid, 2006). Skinner came up with a theoretical framework referred to as operant conditioning to explain that human beings cannot learn best without being provided or promised with a reward. He argued that human beings like every other organisms makes a direct and anticipated response –operant- when they are aware that there is a reward. Therefore, in cases where a response happens and emphasized, there is increased probability that it will happen again when a comparable stimulus is present. Hence, skinner argued that student’s tend to learn best when behavioral change occurs. In his experiment, Skinner had come up with learning units referred to as ‘contingencies of reinforcement’. These are sequences within which behaviors or responses are followed by reinforcing stimuli. The outstanding learning principle in this theory states that behaviors/responses are naturally produced without bring out stimuli. Besides, such behaviors are operants as their production can be instrumental in punishing or reinforcing consequences among students. Therefore, this theory is useful in understanding a person’s learning, social interaction, and human development via making open a number of normal law relationships created into human life by God. Thus, the theory concurs on the necessity to have a system of reward in schools based on students’ behavior which seems notable (Tayo, 2001). Penn in his work argues that in self-worth theory, motivation is the one of most vital factors to determine the attitude of learners as well as their behavior as a sense of self-respect. The answer to self-worth is learner’s perception of his/her own capability particularly when compared to others. If an imaginary hierarchy of self-worth is drawn, learners will tend to give ability the first priority, followed by effort and performance. The theory as claimed can be explained by equating both worth and ability. The author quoting other psychologists writes that applying personal goal-setting arrangements (gives learners a chance to define their own criteria for success), outcome-based evaluation and instruction (slower learning students experience success without competing with faster learning students), attribution learning (facilitates uninterested learners to consider failure being the lack of effort instead of ability), and cooperative learning activities (facilitates learners in understanding that individual effort contributes to personal as well as group goals) removes barriers to achieving motivation and redirects learners’ behavior far away from letdown-avoiding activities in educational settings (Penn, 2002). Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation theories differ only in terms of goals that different student have. Intrinsic motivation argues that students study just for the sake. The learners derive personal satisfaction as well as learning new ideas from learning and regard the m as a reward (Anti-Bullying Network, 2000). On the other hand, extrinsically motivated students are influenced by outside influences for instance praise from peer and teacher, attaining good grades, and/or any other form of reinforcement a peer or teacher can offer. Some people have argued that intrinsically motivated students tend to learn more as compared to those who are extrinsically motivated. Reason may be because intrinsically motivated learners as well extrinsically motivated. However, extrinsically motivated learners are seldom motivated intrinsically. Extrinsic rewards encompasses use of tangible rewards such as payments and gifts so as to keep learners interested in particular subjects as well as motivate them (Deci Ryan, 2002). Intrinsic motivation has for a long time been criticized for its unconstructive influence on intrinsic motivation as well as being claimed to have a short term effect. In regard to intrinsic motivation, learners have the feelings of self-determination, pride, and competence. However, students are highly interested in activities when they are motivated by gifts, prizes, grades, or money as long as they received anticipated reward. Therefore, with time a student who receives a reward for their performance in a particular subject, they gradually become interested in it and develop intrinsic motivation. A big difference exists between tangible rewards (candy, money, certificates) and verbal rewards (praise, positive feedback). Tangible rewards influences intrinsic motivation negatively and destroy self-regulation (Wilson Corpus, 2001). Conclusion Although the reward system has for a long time been applied in schools, a couple of issues need to be addressed if it will remain effective. Teachers and parents needs to be consistent in using rewards and sanctions, the reward system whether individual, cooperative or competitive should be monitored on regular basis, keeping-off from rewards that have monetary worth or those that indicates that school tasks are of no value, and making certain that rewards are deserved and genuine rather than being routine (Anti-Bullying Network, 2000). Whichever the reward system an education institution adopts, a positive culture in schools is established reason being efforts and good behaviors of the pupils are recognized. Thus, most students tend to put more effort so as to achieve established rewards and as a result the overall performance of school improves.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
PESTLE Analysis of Sweden
PESTLE Analysis of Sweden Sweden, which occupies the eastern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, is the fourth-largest country in Europe and is one-tenth larger than California. The country slopes eastward and southward from the Kjà ³len Mountains along the Norwegian border, where the peak elevation is Kebnekaise at 6,965 ft (2,123 m) in Lapland. In the north are mountains and many lakes. To the south and east are central lowlands and south of them are fertile areas of forest, valley, and plain. Along Swedens rocky coast, chopped up by bays and inlets, are many islands, the largest of which are Gotland and Oland. This country is having the area of 449964 sq km slightly larger than California. STOCKHOLM is the capital.They are having the Constitutional monarchy type of government and also have parliamentary democracy. PESTEL ANALYSIS OF THE SWEDEN: As in this country the government is having the constitutional monarchy and has parliamentary democracy. In the economy of the there is a big swap after 1991. This economy is enriched by the sources of the timer, hydropower and iron ore. POLITICAL ANALYSIS: Ordinary general elections to the Swedish Parliament are held every fourth year on the third Sunday in September. County council and municipal council elections take place at the same time. A party must receive at least 4% of the votes in the entire country or 12% in a single electoral district to qualify for any seats in Parliament.Sweden is a constitutional monarchy in which King Karl XVI Gustaf is main head of the state. Sweden is the unitary state currently divided into the 21 countries.Each country has a country administrative board, which is a government appointed board. Its led by a governor appointed for period of six years. The main responsibilities of the County Administrative Board are to coordinate the development of the county in line with goals set in national politics. In each county there is also a County Council or landsting which is a policy-making assembly elected by the residents of the county. Constitutionally, the 349-member Riksdag (Parliament) holds supreme authority in modern Sweden. The Riksdag is responsible for choosing the prime minister, who then appoints the government (the ministers). The legislative power is only exercised by the Riksdag. Legislation may be initiated by the cabinet or by members of Parliament. Members are elected on the basis of proportional representation for a four-year term. The Constitution of Sweden can be altered by the Riksdag, which requires a simple but absolute majority and two decisions with general elections in between. Sweden has three other constitutional laws: The Act of Royal Succession, The Freedom of Press Act and The Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: GDP (2010 est., nominal): $438.8 billion. GDP (2010 est., per capita purchasing power parity): $37,032. GNI (2009, per capita purchasing power parity): $38,560. Annual GDP growth rate (2010 est.): 4.5%. Exchange rate (September 2010): Swedish kronor (SEK) per U.S. dollar = 7.073. Exchange rate (January-September 2010 avg.): Swedish kronor (SEK) per U.S. dollar = 7.3475. Inflation rate (2010 est.): 1.4%. Natural resources: Forests, hydroelectric power, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, tungsten, uranium, arsenic, feldspar, timber. Industry (2010): Approximately 26.6% of GDP. TYPES: machinery/metal products (iron and steel), electrical equipment, aircraft, paper products, precision equipment (bearings, radio and telephone parts, armaments), wood pulp and paper products, processed foods. Services (2010): Approximately 71.8% of GDP. Typestelecommunications, computer equipment, biotech. Trade: Exports (2010)SEK 728.2 billion (U.S. $102.9 billion). Major trading partners, exports (2010)-Germany, Norway, U.K., U.S., Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, China. Imports (2010)SEK 687.6 billion (U.S. $97.2 billion). Typesmachinery and transport equipment, 41.8%; food, clothing, textiles and furniture, 19.6%; mineral fuels and electric current, 13.5%; chemicals and rubber products, 12.8%; minerals, 9.2%; wood and paper products, 3.1%. Major trading partners, imports (2010)- Germany, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, U.K., Finland, Russia, France, Belgium, China. The typical worker receives 40% of his income after the tax wedge. The slowly declining overall taxation, 51.1% of GDP in 2007, is still nearly double of that in the United States or Ireland. The share of employment financed via tax income amounts to a third of Swedish workforce, a substantially higher proportion than in most other countries. REAL GDP GROWTH IN SWEDEN IN BETWEEN 1996-2006 SOCIAL ANALYSIS: Sweden has one of the most highly developed welfare states in the world. The country has a higher level of social spending to GDP than any other nation. Additionally it provides equal as well as comprehensive access to education and health care. Sweden provided solid support for free trade (except agriculture) and mostly relatively strong and stable property rights (both private and public), though some economists have pointed out that Sweden promoted industries with tariffs and used publicly subsidized RD during the countrys early critical years of industrialization. From the 1970s and onwards Swedens GDP growth fell behind other industrialized countries and the countrys per capita ranking fell from the 4th to 14th place in a few decades. Sweden adopted neo-liberal agricultural policies in 1990. Since the 1930s, the agricultural sector had been subject to price controls. In June 1990, the Parliament voted for a new agricultural policy marking a significant shift away from price controls. As a result, food prices fell somewhat. However, the liberalizations soon became moot because EU agricultural controls supervened. As of 2007, total tax revenue was 47.8% of GDP, the second highest tax burden among developed countries, down from 49.1% 2006. Swedens inverted tax wedge the amount going to the service workers wallet is approximately 15% compared to 10% in Belgium, 30% in Ireland, and 50% in United States. Public sector spending amounts to 53% of the GDP. State and municipal employees total around a third of the workforce, much more than in most Western countries. Only Denmark has a larger public sector (38% of Danish workforce). Spending on transfers is also high. TECHNOLOGICAL ANALYSIS: The traditional engineering industry is still a major source of Swedish inventions, but pharmaceuticals, electronics and other high-tech industries are gaining ground. Tetra was an invention for storing liquid foods, invented by Erik Wallenberg. Losec, an ulcer medicine, was the worlds best-selling drug in the 1990s and was developed by AstraZeneca. More recently Hakan Lans invented the Automatic Identification System, a worldwide standard for shipping and civil aviation navigation. Swedish inventors hold a total of 33,523 patents in the United States as of 2007, according to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. As a nation, only ten other countries hold more patents than Sweden. In 1991 the government announced it would begin taking applications from private television companies wishing to broadcast on the terrestrial network. TV4, which had previously been broadcasting via satellite, was granted a permit and began its terrestrial broadcasts in 1992, becoming the first private channel to broadcast television content from within the country. Around half the populations are connected to cable television. Digital terrestrial television started in 1999 and the last analogue terrestrial broadcasts were terminated in 2007. Swedens energy is largely privatized. The Nordic energy market is one of the first liberalized energy markets in Europe. The traditional engineering industry is still a major source of Swedish inventions, but pharmaceuticals, electronics and other high-tech industries are gaining ground. Tetra Pak was an invention for storing liquid foods, invented by Erik Wallenberg. Losec, an ulcer medicine, was the worlds best-selling drug in the 1990s and was developed by AstraZeneca. More recently Hakan Lans invented the Automatic Identification System, a worldwide standard for shipping and civil aviation navigation. A large portion of the Swedish economy is to this day based on the export of technical inventions, and many large multinational corporations from Sweden have their origins in the ingenuity of Swedish inventors. LEGAL ANALYSIS: The supreme court of Sweden is the last step for all civil and criminal cases. The Supreme Court consist of 16 councilors of justice which were appointed by government, but the court as an institution is independent and the government cannot interfere in the decisions of the court. The Swedish police service is government agency concerned with police matters. All the matters are solved by the national police as there is municipal police. The entire police is under national government from 1 January 1965. Here courts are divided in 2 parallel courts General court-for criminal and civil case General administrative court-for administrative cases. Mainly the justices for these courts are appointed by government. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Environmental protection laws: These are mainly upgraded to have control over the environment from different factors. Disposal of wastes in a proper and specified manner. SOURCES OR POTENTIAL SOURCES OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE FOR SWEDEN BY USING PORTER DIAMOND MODEL: The potential sources are related with the competitive advantage for the various countries in the world. Porter diamond model (1990) shows direct relation of the growth of the different economies of the world. POTERS DIAMOND- THE DETERMINANTS OF THE NATIONAL ADVANTAGE: As the market in Sweden is growing at a stagnant growth. The economy is fastly growing in technical sector such as in computer equipments, biotech and telecommunications. Using the porters model the potential of Sweden can be analyzed not only separately but in combined form also. As the different countries have their combined technology with the Sweden to create the better form of product and services. As the incomes from these sources are up to the 71%of the total income. As the country started growing in the era of 1990s. Porter model shows us that how various nation grow up in the various clusters of the various industries and developing the different work groups which develops the country. Sweden has developed the potential sources of the telecomm and various sectors so as to increase the income and growth rate of the country. CONCLUSION: From this we conclude that the country is growing at a faster rate. The country is having the dynamic growth in the field of the telecom and the computer sector. As the net income is increasing at the higher rate and they are many businesses at the better rate. ANALYSIS OF THE PESTLE MODEL: As we have seen in PESTEL analysis of SWEDEN that how all the factors are closely related to the country .In start Sweden was not so grown country but after that government played a very important role in growth of Sweden and Foreign Direct Investment gave a big booster to sweden due to it Sweden started to use technology and it has become labor-intense economy from Agriculture economy. GDP of Sweden is also growing with a rapid speed and is near about 9%, inflation rate is very low 1.50% which is plus point for Sweden. Per capita income is also $ 16423 per annum because of it the standard of living of people has increased and people are living a luxurious life and If we talk about the social welfare so Swedens govt. is very helpful in social welfare, it is running many social welfare programs. For providing all these facilities every country need good Govt. Revenue so Sweden has a very strong taxation policy thats why Sweden easily raises funds and then it provides all the facilities to people, Education level of people has also increased and now people have become more literate. If we talk about legal and environmental factors then we can say that the production level of Sweden has increased thats why the energy consumption level has also increased so to make a balance in environment Sweden govt. has some rules and regulation which are helpful for Environment these rules.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Importance Of Going Green
The Importance Of Going Green A definition of green management according to is the process within an organisation of applying innovation in order to achieve sustainability, waste reduction, social responsibility and a competitive advantage by the aids of continuous learning and development. Organisations shall be doing such developments, by implementing environmental goals and strategies which match the goals and strategies of the organization. This will therefore help the organization to stay focused to its mission and vision. Nowadays, it is found that companies advertise their products by promoting their environmentally friendly behaviour. It does not matter whether it is on TV or on banner; the message of go green is almost always used. But why green? Green is not simply a color. Going green is a way of making changes in the lifestyle of some organizations as well as the society also. This implies bringing in some changes which are friendlier towards the environment. It is to note that the mere truth while doing every simple thing impacting on the planet good or bad, an individual has all the right to make choices, thus the later can control the impact generated. (Team Treehugger, HTGG, 2007) 2.1.1 Importance of going green Moreover, another main thing is the importance of going green. Not many organisations have realized the importance that going green can have on their business. Firstly, adopting green management system means that it will be here forever. Other forms of energy are all finite, but green system will never be depleted. The renewable source of energy will always be here to keep the human needs ongoing. Secondly, by using green materials and workmanship it helps to keep the environment safe as compared to the energy imports which is quite costly. It has been therefore proved that in the United States, green technologies have been able to provide a boost to the economy`s trade deficit. Thirdly, going green will surely benefits the company in terms of its savings. Paying bills online means less money when companies go paperless, it is also a form of savings in terms of postages and paper costs. Hence both the individual and the businesses benefit from the green initiative. Similarly, if you use compact fluorescent light (CFLs) bulbs, you are like to save money on each bulb you purchase. According to Energy Star, replacing a fluorescent bulb you with an incandescent bulb consumes 75 percent less energy. Thus, if you replace a 100-watt incandescent bulb with a 25-watt CFL, you will save over $100 per year, based on U.S. Department of Energy figures. (Chris Dinesen Rogers, 2010) According to (Chris Dinesen Rogers 2010) going green can be beneficial to economic growth. Following the National Recycling Coalition, the recycling industry employing over 1 million people and generating approximately $200 billion in annual revenues is extremely good for the economy. It is also stated that that When you recycle, you are contributing to the sustained growth of the economy. In addition to the above, while using recyclable or organic products implies that toxic materials are removed from the production process hence it can be considered as an environmentally-friendly activity. This explains why organisations must reduce their disposal rates, because the more they dispose of, the more valuable and costly materials are being wasted, as well as producing more greenhouse gases as these landfills decompose. (Green Energy Choice 2013) Going green also means a more sustainable world. According to an article published on ( 2009-2012) the rate at which we are utilizing the world`s resources and deteriorating the globe with several kind of pollution could be very disastrous. A result of these dreadful action is leading to the destruction of the earth`s ecosystem which implies that, we will soon be left with no clean air, water, land and food. It is also stated that the day we reach such a stage, there would be nothing which will be able to save us or even nothing to talk about. Our very lives would be threatened since there will be an atmosphere of impure air, undrinkable water, unhygienic food and probably nothing to save us from the ruthless climate change. Hence, it is primordial that each and every one of us contributes equally as a human community towards a greener environment and promotes green behaviour as something which others must follow. Following the competitive market in companies operates; organisations found it necessary to go divert their production towards greener products since consumers are becoming far more aware of green products are ready to move to competitors. The fact that a company uses a product which has already been used simply reduces the cost of production while at the same time reducing the needs for power as the company is consuming less energy. (Madhurjya Bhattacharyya 2011) also pointed out the fact that the Bank of America now uses much less paper as a result of which has lead to an increase in its customers. The bank also recycles paper internally and gives cash back offer facilities to employees up to a certain limit if ever they decide to buy hybrid vehicles in other words ecological vehicles. Few are those who moved from being traditional, but successful are those who took the risk and implemented the new green management system. Furthermore, with the evolution of the technologies, companies have begun to adopt the EMS approach. This can be referred to as Environmental Management System. This approach helps in gathering information, formulating goals, making the right choices while at the same time improving performance. In other words, EMS is a broader version of quality programs to managing the environment. Hence over the past decades, increasing number of companies has initiated new strategies to integrate the environment into their business strategy so as to improve both their environmental and business performance (Porter 1991; Smart 1992; Porter and van der Linde 1995a, 1955b; Hart and Ahuja 1994). To set the ball rolling on, while some managers are investing in the environment and this is most welcomed by the society, others will have to derive ideas about how to identify circumstances which will be favoring both the public benefits and corporate benefits. Some may want just the ISO 14001 label on their product while simultaneously for some other firms better utilizing their resources may be beneficial to the environment as a whole. All this gave rise to competitive advantage between firms. In the 1990s there was a big debate in the field of Business and Environment about whether it pays to be green. According to the following strategies put forward; free lunch, double dividend and win-win hypothesis, chances for businesses to be profitable in the environmental investments is uprising. However on the other hand, Reinhardt (1998) argued that, the question is not whether companies will be able to do it, but it was about the time factor, that is, when the companies will be able t o implement such strategies and when they will begin to benefit from such investments. 2.1.2 Porter`s Strategies Similarly, Michael Porter identified two different types of competitive advantage generated by firms in 1980; Low cost and differentiation. According to Porter, selling products or services with the lowest costs in the industry would be beneficial to the company in terms of competitive advantage. Hence the firm will be selling its product either at the price prevailing in the industry in order to earn higher profits than that of rival or adopting a price which is below the average price in the industry so as to gain in terms of market share. Such a situation is called a price war among firms in the same industry. During such a situation, a firm can maintain its profitability level to the detriment of its competitive edge on the market. However, it is to note that even if there is no such price war, as the industry grows older, price will decline as a result of which; the firm producing at the lowest cost will remain profitable for a longer time period. The differentiation strategy is when the organisation develops a particular product which offers unique attributes that are valued by consumers and the same product is seen differently from the products of the competitors. According to Porter (1985: 13), a cost leader cannot ignore differentiation. This means that differentiation is as important as lowering the cost of production. Similarly, Levitt (1980) pointed out that everything can be differentiated even a commodity. He says this can be applied for industries dealing in primary metals, grains, chemicals, plastics, and money also. However, Peters and Austin (1985: 61) did not totally agree on this theory. They argued that if we put the label of commodity on a product it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Buzzell and Gale (1987: 113) supported this idea with their argument: if you think of your product/service offering as a commodity, thats what it will bea commodity. 2.1.3 Spending Green With regard to green marketing in practice, the health report are somewhat uncertain. A surge in products and services claiming more or less legitimate claims to environmental friendliness was noted in the 1990s, when a significant proportion of consumer advertising campaigns in many countries contained messages related to the environment (Banerjee et al., 1995; Carlson et al., 1993) Today, however, observation suggests a decline in green claims for mainstream products. In some developed countries, this has at least resulted in a correspondingly less widespread occurrence of vague claims related to doubtful green product attributes, meaning that consumers are now more aware about green products. Consecutively, it is found that when it comes to green consumption, women are doing their part of responsibility when making purchases (i.e.) they are making much more green purchases than men do. While doing so, they also promote their products and services to be environmentally-friendly. Following a study on the purchasing habits of consumers, it was found that women are more environmentally-conscious when it comes to decision making in business that their male counterparts. Women clearly disagreed on the fact that some business owners still believe that promoting their products and services as being environmentally-friendly has little impact on consumers buying habits. It even goes further when Dr. Myra Hart, reported that environmental friendliness was ranked in the top three factors by women business owners, influencing consumer purchasing decision of consumers. It was ranked just below quality (98%) and price (85%) and finally cited environmental friendliness as a moderate infl uencer (76%). As a result of this study, it showed that consumers do take into consideration the environmental factor when making purchases either for them or their business (Lahle Wolfe 2013) Likewise, it is quite obvious that cannot consume the same thing for a long period of time. Consumers always tend to move to other new products and sometimes their behaviour are affected by means of advertising or even their past experience they had with a particular product. By consuming more of less environmentally harmful products and services, consumers can bring in positive changes and therefore lessen the impacts on Earth. Consumers don`t realise, but they have enormous power to improve the world. While on one hand, consumers are advised to consume less in order to protect the environment, on the other hand the money saved can be utilized in order to advance the green economy. Green shopping can be termed as a situation where consumers normally spend money on products that are less harmful towards the environment which is likely to build a more sustainable world. Small changes in consumer behaviour like adopting products that comes with less packaging and those which are made w ith plastics can improve the green economy. Hence, the spending pattern of consumers will determine the type of world they will create in the future. (Richard Matthews 2012) In addition to the above, according to (Debra Atlas 2013) 71% of consumer consider the welfare of the environment when they shop. He also claimed that green thinking has been increased among consumers minds. Environmental concerns are now becoming important to firms also since they have the opportunity to develop their green products demanded by consumers and therefore position their company on the market as a being a green company. This will also help the firm in terms of competitive advantage and increased performance. (Singh 2010) Following globalization, consumers now have access to information which raise their awareness about the manufacturing processes of the products and this made them seek green products. (Hailes 2007) For example; consumers may be interested in the green attributes (whether the product is recyclable, biodegradable, etc) of a product as well as the manufacturing process (whether environmental norms have been respected during the process). (Singh 2008) Practically, with the new trend of green management, consumers are willing even more to spend greener. This means that consumers tend to behave more positive towards the sustainability of the environment than the green movement. In other words, the green products will gradually replace the traditional power products because of their environmental benefits. This is likely to be a successful venture because according to (Wiser 1998) consumers are willing to pay for green products. As a result of this, it will generate a new market for renewable energy products. Hence, this may help to put forward green marketing as a successful tool in the energy market. However, sometimes it not about meeting the consumers expectation; businesses have to surpass the expectations to meet quality products demanded by consumers (Gupta Lehman, 2002; Blackwell et al., 2001; Naumann et al., 2001; Foreman, 2000). Another option which may help the company to build a relationship with its customers` is to create a strong brand image so that it the purchaser decision will rely more on perceptions than on reality. (Vrontiss Thrassou, 2007) This also helped organizations to realise the fact that they have to shape the perceptions of consumer in regard to their products by making use of every marketing communication tools at their disposal. This has therefore led to a situation where consumers were overflowed with adverts and became unresponsive over a period of time. As a result of this, the job of producers to influence the mind of the consumers became much harder and needed extra effort. (Blackwell et al., 2006) Hence it can be said that consumer decision m aking is therefore based on information processing (Johnson Puto, 1987) Also, when it comes to accountability, Robins (2008) points out that a company must be ready to accept its responsibility for its operations and their impact on society and natural environment. Companies should work for welfare of the society as a whole and therefore towards a greener world. Similarly, (Sirsly, 2008) recommended that Corporate Social Responsibility is not always generating the monetary and economic value for the firms, but it help firms to differentiate among themselves. When a third party endorsed its corporate efforts, the reputation of a firm is reinforced in the eyes of both market and non-market stakeholders Sirsly and Lametrz(2008). Eventually, Karna et al. (2003) argued that environmental issues were all in the hands of the government. Hence marketing strategies along with government aids can help to build strong green marketing campaign and therefore helps to protect the environment in better and efficient way. If a firm is introducing a highly differentiated product, it is maximizing the stockholders returns and effectively using environmental strategy. A firm engaged in the cause related marketing because of its long term benefits i.e. to attract and retain consumer for longer period of time. In such type of marketing activity, consumers are emotionally motivate to take part and because they wanted to feel different from other members of society or in their groups Ottman (1993, p.91). 2.1.4 The Cost Factor While going green, several factors influencing the financial aspect of the project should be taken into consideration; one of the most important one is the energy cost. It is found that over time, energy costs usually change and thus it becomes difficult to reap profit from the investment. It is assumed that if the energy costs are low, then the cost benefit of implementing the green system will be low too, but on the contrary assuming fluctuations in the economy, the energy costs might increase which will result in striking payback in the future. For example; the cost of buying a hybrid car may be as the same as a normal car for a long term basis assuming a constant price of gas, but suppose the price of gas experience an increase in the future, then the hybrid car will help one to save much more money than expected. (Gregory Hamel, 1999; 2013) Besides, (Rebecca Lake, 2010) pointed out the fact that several practices and behaviours of going green slogan are all motives of saving money, but still there are still ways while adopting green living can be from moderate to very expensive. It is found that, the technology associated with green living is not beneficial to the environment but often at a much higher cost than their traditional counterparts. For instance: let`s consider the installation of solar panel. It can be very useful in saving money on a long term basis, but at the same time it may cost thousands of dollars to install the equipment. Energy saving appliances is normally to be used so as to save water and energy, but they usually come in a high priced package which sometimes is very costly to organisations. Similarly, eating organic food is another to go green, but in order to get these; one has to pay a significant price unless you decide to grow your own food. Basically, (Chris Joseph, 2013) put forward the fact that when companies implement environmental norms within the organisation, it always ends in costlier products. This implies the switch from the traditional way of production to producing green products which can lead to expensive products to the consumers. It can affect the organisation`s source of revenue if it is operating in developing country, since consumers in developing country have less buying power compared to those in developed country. Similarly, according to Jon Kaplan who owns a Greenworks Cabinetry in Florida manufactures eco-friendly furniture products. Since he has to get most of his materials from the West-Coast and Asian countries too, his products cost much more on the market. This means that he has to sell his products at higher prices which may lead to a situation where consumers will obviously shift to competitors. As a whole, while companies decide to go green, many consumers would like to see the organisation actively doing things so as to prevent the depletion of natural resources. Going green does not happens in a matter of minutes, it is a whole process and it involves huge costs which is not always effective for the company. (Admin, 2013), stated that deciding on whether being environmentally responsible or the level of spending is more will be crucial. If ever the spending out way the desire to be eco-friendly, then it will not be a successful project. Problems may pop up on the side of suppliers also. The company will now need to find new suppliers who will be providing materials on time; else significant losses will be incurred by the company. Producing the same quality of finish product will be primordial for the organisation in order to maintain its image on the market failure to do so will be disastrous. Similarly, implementing the green system within the company will mean; trainin g the employees. Employees will have to be trained to deal with the new approach and different method of work. Training may be costly and at the same time lowering productivity while employees are at their training session. 2.2 Supply Chain Management Supply chain management was views years ago, as the process of converting raw materials to finished products and finally delivered to the end-user (Bearmon, 1999). This process can therefore be defined as the extraction and exploitation of the natural resources gifted by the nature (Srivastava, 2007). It is hence very important to note that environmental sustainability has been something primordial since the last decades in business practice. Since the early 1990`s companies were faced with the dilemma of implementing Environmental Management in their supply chains (Wu Dann, 1995) which is however not an easy task. Therefore the green concept to the supply chain of business increases the level of competitiveness among firms which will have a direct relation to the environment. This therefore gave rise to the Green Supply Chain Management. (GrSCM) 2.2.1 Green Supply Chain Management Green Supply Chain Management is the revolutionized version of the traditional supply chain. This involves a direction relationship with the environment. The quality revolution in the late 1980s and the supply chain revolution in the early 1990s has awaken several business conscience to become environmental friendly (Srivastava, 2007, p. 53). Green Supply Chain Management became not just a simple fad, as it aimed at both practionners and academics in waste-reduction programs as well as preserving the quality of the products` life and the natural resource. In order to achieve excellence in business, Eco-Efficiency and renewably processes became something most businesses shall be adopting (Ashley, 1993; Srivastava, 2007). Businesses are bearing the pressure of both governmental and global market demands to become more sustainable (Guide Srivastava, 1998; Gungor Gupta, 1999). Waste management is another topic that pop up from the GrSCM literature. This proved its importance with the work of Roy and Whelan (1992). It therefore gave rise to a standardized model for reducing electronic waste without harming the environment. As a result of this, different waste management issues came into context which emphasized mainly on recycling and remanufacturing. Owen (1930), Hannah and Newman (1995); Sarkis and Cordeiro (2001) and Nagorney and Toyasaki (2005) are all examples of trends of waste management becoming an issue. 2.2.2 Green Design Green design is an important sub-part in the Green Supply Chain Management. It states that each product or service should be design in such a way that it encourages environmental awareness. Beamon (1999) developed ISO14000 which was introduced as a result of the Rio Summit on the Environment in 1992. Tremendous pressure groups were for the fact that firms should encourage greening in their respective supply chain. In 1991, the first green design literature came to existence. NavinChandras (1991) pointed out the first literature in order to reduce the number of wastage that is more businesses going green. Works of Ashley (1993); Allenby and Richards (1994) and Zhang, Kuo, Lu and Huang (1997) came into context and expanded the framework of green design. Life-cycle analysis was an example of a framework that came out of green design. Works of Arena, Mastellone and Perugini (2003), Beamon (1999) and De Ron Penev (1995) all discussed life-cycle analysis as a framework. 2.2.3 Reverse Logistics Reverse Logistics (RL) is the complete reversal of the traditional or forward logistics (Beamon, 1999). Reverse logistics was defined as a process where manufacturers accept products which were shipped from the previous point for consumption which will be possibly use for recycling and re-manufacturing Dowlatshahi (2000) and Carter and Ellram (1998). Fiksel (1996) argues that becoming eco-friendly towards products re-manufacturing had a chance to emerge in some firms. Heavy industries having complex supply chains should see that they benefit from the reverse logistics (RL). Thierry, Wassenhove, Van Nunen and Salomon (1995) supported the fact that automobile industries were making full use of reverse logistics; examples would be: BMW and General Motors. The trend does not end only with those companies, Hewlett Packard, Storage Tek and TRW were also using reverse logistics as a supply chain process. All this were done in the simple main aim to remain competitive in their respective ind ustries (Srivastava, 2007). (Srivastava, 2007) stated that collection is the first stage in every recovery process. Products are then selected, assembled and transported to facilities for re-manufacturing. Used products came from various sources, but then had to be transferred to one particular place so that the converging process can begin (Thierry et al., 1995). It was also claimed that sorting and recycling are very essential mechanism in the process of sorting reusable products. The collection schemes were done on the basis of whether the materials were separated by the consumer (separation at source) or centralized (mixed waste) Cairncross (1992) and Srivastava (2007). Hence the main aim was to sort products so that it can be reused to reduce costs of making new products which is diagrammatically represented on the next page: Source: Jamal Fortes. (2009). Green Supply Chain Management: A Literature Review, Otago Management Graduate Review 2.3 Empirical Literature Review According to the empirical studies carried on in order to test the relationship between the firm`s performance and environmental concerns it was found that the results varied. Some results delivered positive results (Judge and Douglas, 1998; King and Lenox, 2002; Melnyk et al., 2003) while on the contrary some did not identified positive outcomes of environmental proactivity on businesses` performance (Cordeiro and Sarkis, 1997; Gilley et al., 2000; Link and Naveh, 2006). In addition to the above, it was found that firms are facing various pressures from both within the company and governmental parties to become more responsible and at the same time greener. Those pressures have as main aim to reduce the level of impact of firms on the natural environment and the society as a whole. As a matter of fact, social responsibility and being conscious about the environment are being integral among nowadays firms. Hence, the most important issue is about these aspects and the financial performance of the business. That is, in other words, are firms being able to protect the environment as well as being profitable? Bowen (1953) supported the fact that corporate social responsibility is not the remedy and thus it will not cure the society of all its ills immediately, but he thinks that it a new venture that should be supported and implemented by each organization who wants to survive in the industry. He also argued that the social responsibilities of businessme n also known as the obligations of firms must follow the policies which will be beneficial to the society as a whole. Josà © F. Molina-Azorà n, Enrique Claver-Cortà ©s, Maria D. Là ³pez-Gamero, Juan J. Tarà , (2009),Green management and financial performance: a literature review, Management Decision, Vol. 47 Iss: 7 pp. 1080 1100 Moreover, it is found that, the pressure exerted by environmental management on firm performance, this influence can really help firms to cut down on their costs while at the same time respecting the environment. Reducing or if possible prevent pollution will allow the firm to save on control costs, input, and energy consumption, and to recycle used materials (Hart, 1997; Taylor, 1992). Thus, producing and delivering goods while simultaneously reducing the ecological impact and use of resources will surely help the firm to attain eco-efficiency (Schmidheiny, 1992; Starik and Marcus, 2000). However, on the contrary, those firms which continue to pollute the environment are therefore regarded as a sign of inefficiency (Porter and Van der Linde, 1995). Companies must learn to view environmental improvement in terms of resource productivity. Managers should not only focus on the costs of eliminating or treating pollution, they should review their approach, and thus pay more attention to the cost they have forgone while polluting the environment, in other words, the opportunity of pollution. (wasted resources, wasted effort, and diminished product value to the customer). In addition to the above, it is found that by using practical environmental strategies, firms can eliminate wastages, redesign existing product systems to reduce life cycle impacts, and therefore develop new products with lower life cycle costs (Hart, 1995). If ever organizations go deeper to extend their strategies, this will surely help them to achieve organizational efficiency. In fact, by responding to market pressures firms may save costs so as to achieve greater production efficiency and gathering gains which are easily obtained associated with reducing excessive wastes, material, and energy use. (Hart and Ahuja, 1996) Therefore, it should be noted that green management can provide opportunities to lessen costs while simultaneously increase revenues. Ambec and Lanoie (2008) argued the fact that there are four possible opportunities for companies to use in order to reduce costs (risk management and relations with external stakeholders; cost of material, energy, and services; cost of capital; and cost of labor) and three opportunities to increase revenues (better access to certain markets; differentiating products; and selling pollution-control technology). Furthermore, environmental management can help to maintain and improve relationships between the different stakeholders as well as reducing the level of conflicts between them which can sometimes prove to be costly (Hull and Rothenberg, 2008). Organizations maintaining good relationships with their stakeholders are likely to achieve success much more effectively than competitors (Donaldson and Preston, 1995). Similarly, while creating, developing and maintaining ties with the stakeholders it will surely help to better financial performance of the companies (Jones, 1995; Brammer and Millington, 2008). In the case of the influence of green management impacting on corporate environmental performance, did not generate a clear result. While some studies showed positive impacts. For example, Dasgupta et al. (2000) found positive effects of green management measures on self-assessed compliance with environmental regulations. Anton et al. (2004) found that the Environment Management System helps to reduce the level of toxic emission, and Potoski Prakash (2005) found that companies which have been already certified ISO 14001 reduce their level of pollution more than non-certified ones. Hence, these studies point out to possible problems with regard to their measures of green management and therefore try to develop approaches which shall be useful to such problems. However, their instruments based on cross-sectional data are not fully convincing. In the sense that, Dahlstrà ¶m et al. (2003) did not find that the ISO 14001 certification improves the compliance with environmental regulatio ns and Lenox and Nash (2003) even showed that firms which are less environmental friendly are more attracted to public voluntary environmental programs. Besides, it should be noted that the measures for corporate environmental performance such as toxic emissions or the compliance with environmental regulations are mostly one-dimensional indicators, meaning they look at one facet of the coin. There is more technological environmental performance whi
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